HEA > ASCA > Observation Schedule & Operation > Contact Status

		ASCA Contact Status at KSC and DSN
						Updated on Apr 18, 2001
Dear everyone,

Here is a list of telemetry data loss from May 1993 to July 2000.
Altough <> is not a trouble but a normal operation, they are
included as information for observsers.

Yoshihiro Ueda

Target                      Time                 Comments
	         930502 11:20 - 930502 12:45  KSC trouble
	         930503 17:05 - 930503 19:10  MAD telemetry loss
	         930522 17:40 - 930522 19:00  GLD telemetry loss
	         930611 16:10 - 930611 17:50  KSC trouble
	         930612 00:55 - 930612 02:30
	         930614 21:30 - 930614 23:30
	         930619 16:15 - 930619 17:45  KSC trouble
WP23	       * 930621 03:30 - 930621 07:40  GLD trouble 
	         930624 04:15 - 930624 05:40  GLD telemetry loss
	         930625 21:20 - 930625 23:05  CAN telemetry loss
	         930705 17:05 - 930705 18:20  GLD trouble
Pup A	       * 930708 17:20 - 930708 22:40  GLD poor telemetry
	         930709 21:40 - 930709 23:15  GLD trouble
	         930710 21:30 - 930710 22:40  GLD telemetry loss
	         930714 12:35 - 930714 13:45  CAN telemetry loss 
	         930720 11:40 - 930720 12:40  CAN telemeetry loss
	         930721 16:25 - 930721 17:30  GLD telemetry loss
NGC5548	       c 930728 06:40 - 930728 08:00  GLD telemetry loss
NGC5548	       c 930728 13:25 - 930728 15:00  GLD poor telemetry
	         930729 09:00 - 930729 13:10  GLD poor telemetry
M31	       c 930730 07:05 - 930730 12:15  GLD poor telemetry
	         930804 04:50 - 930804 05:55  GLD telemetry loss
X1636-53       * 930809 10:40 - 930810 10:35  Typhoon
	         930810 17:35 - 930810 18:30  MAD telemetry loss
	         930811 06:00 - 930811 07:05  GLD telemetry loss
	         930811 17:50 - 930811 17:40  MAD telemetry loss
	         930813 02:00 - 930813 03:45  GLD trouble
	         930817 21:50 - 930817 22:50  GLD telemetry loss
	         930819 06:40 - 930819 08:40  KSC trouble
	         930828 02:05 - 930828 03:30  KSC trouble
Orion_neb      * 930830 08:40 - 930830 12:10  MAD telemetry loss
Capella	       * 930902 19:30 - 930903 07:45  Typhoon and DSN trouble
RX04591+5      * 930903 22:25 - 930907 20:30  Typhoon
	         930908 03:30 - 930908 07:45  MAD trouble
	         930908 00:15 - 930908 01:40  KSC
	         930909 14:05 - 930909 15:45  DSN trouble
	         930913 19:00 - 930913 20:30  KSC trouble
	         930913 10:00 - 930913 10:30  GLD poor telemetry
Bright LMC     * 930922 04:30 - 930922 10:10  GLD pass canceled due to Shuttle
1E1740.7-      * 930926 03:30 - 930926 07:00  GLD pass canceled due to Shuttle
YY Gem         * 931026 04:40 - 931026 08:15  CAN trouble	
A586           * 931102 09:40 - 931102 12:10  Goldsttone
NGC7469        * 931124 07:50 - 931126 05:40  KSC trouble
Beta Cet       * 931201 11:00 - 931201 13:50  Telemetry loss 
NGC4203        * 931217 16:20 - 931217 18:00  KSC trouble
SA57 #5        * 940118 18:00 - 940118 20:00  CAN trouble
SA57 #5        * 940118 20:30 - 940118 21:40  GLD poor telemetry   
SA57 #5        * 940119 17:00 - 940119 18:20  CAN trouble
NGC1399        * 940125 08:10 - 940125 13:10  CAN trouble
NRAO140        * 940202 07:30 - 940202 09:30  CAN pass canceled due to Shuttle
LSI+61 303     * 940203 07:30 - 940203 09:30  CAN pass canceled due to Shuttle
RZ Cas         * 940205 08:10 - 940205 15:00  GLD telemetry loss
RZ Cas         * 940205 18:45 - 940205 22:10  MAD telemetry loss
H1426+428      * 940205 22:10 - 940206 02:30  MAD telemetry loss
A2142            940221 11:35 - 940221 12:25  KSC trouble
A478           * 940225 16:20 - 940225 19:50  MAD poor telemetry 
NGC1808          940226 16:00 - 940226 17:15  MAD data loss
CEN X-4          940227 14:30 - 940227 16:05  MAD data loss
TMC 1            940305 22:00 - 940305 23:30  GLD
BY CAM         * 940311 10:30 - 940311 14:10  CAN poor telemetry
4U1538-522       940317 13:55 - 940317 15:45  GLD pass canceled due to Shuttle
4U1254-69        940318 12:05 - 940318 13:35  CAN trouble
PROX CEN         940319 15:30 - 940319 17:15  GLD trouble
PROX CEN       * 940320 13:45 - 940320 17:10  GLD trouble
4C41.17          940323 15:15 - 940323 17:20  GLD pass canceled due to Shuttle
PSR1610-50     * 940325 08:30 - 940325 13:30  GLD trouble
X0921-630        940406 02:10 - 940406 05:00  GLD pass canceled
W28_N2           940407 02:10 - 940407 06:45  GLD pass canceled
W28_N2           940407 06:55 - 940407 08:10  GLD pass canceled
MWC297_N1        940408 05:50 - 940408 06:40  GLD trouble
MWC297_N1        940408 06:50 - 940408 08:30  GLD pass canceled
MWC297_N1        940408 08:40 - 940408 10:00  GLD pass canceled
RCRA[2]          940409 10:00 - 940409 11:30  GLD pass canceled
5-KPC_ARM        940411 20:55 - 940411 22:15  CAN pass canceled	
MWC297_N2        940411 22:15 - 940411 23:15  CAN pass canceled	
MWC297_N2        940411 23:25 - 940412 03:30  GLD pass canceled
A1704            940415 16:20 - 940415 20:20  CAN pass canceled	
NGC_3690         940415 20:20 - 940415 23:10  CAN pass canceled	
NGC_3690         940415 23:20 - 940416 00:50  CAN pass canceled	
NGC_3690         940416 01:00 - 940416 03:00  GLD pass canceled
NGC_3690         940416 03:10 - 940416 04:45  GLD pass canceled
NGC_3690         940416 04:55 - 940416 06:15  GLD pass canceled
NGC_3690         940416 08:15 - 940416 17:45  MAD pass canceled
3C219            940417 01:10 - 940417 03:00  GLD pass canceled
3C219            940417 03:10 - 940417 04:30  GLD pass canceled
SS_433_N4        940419 14:30 - 940419 18:50  GLD pass canceled
3C396            940419 18:50 - 940420 02:30  GLD pass canceled
SS_433_N5        940421 02:50 - 940421 04:15  GLD pass canceled
IC5063_N2        940427 13:30 - 940427 15:00  GLD pass canceled
PAVO_GROUP       940428 13:30 - 940428 14:40  GLD pass canceled
AQUILA X-1       940430 20:15 - 940430 23:05  GLD Pass Canceled
AQUILA X-1       940430 23:05 - 940501 00:40  GLD Pass Canceled
NGC7213          940508 16:20 - 940508 17:30  GLD Telemetry loss
MS2137.3-23      940509 03:35 - 940509 05:00  KSC Trouble
PKS2155-304      940519 23:55 - 940520 01:40  MAD Pass Canceled
PKS2155-304      940520 06:40 - 940520 07:20  GLD Trouble
K416             940523 06:00 - 940523 06:45  CAN Telemetry loss
GAMMA VEL        940525 02:15 - 940525 03:30  MAD telemetry loss
VELA-SNR         940602 00:15 - 940602 01:05  GLD Trouble
HCG51            940604 01:00 - 940604 01:30  GLD Trouble
NGC4643          940606 00:40 - 940606 01:10  GLD Telemetry loss
NGC4051          940608 19:40 - 940608 20:20  GLD Trouble
COMA CL          940610 18:00 - 940610 18:40  MAD Telemetry loss
COMA CL          940611 12:45 - 940611 14:20  MAD Trouble
MKN290           940616 13:30 - 940616 14:00  MAD Telemetry loss
LSS Line-C       940618 09:05 - 940618 11:00  MAD telemetry loss
NGC4631          940619 17:30 - 940619 19:30  GLD Trouble
A2390            940620 13:30 - 940620 14:10  CAN Pass Canceled
A2390            940620 14:10 - 940620 14:30  CAN Trouble
A2390            940620 18:00 - 940620 19:45  GLD Pass Canceled
A2390            940620 19:45 - 940620 21:30  GLD Pass Canceled
A2390            940621 14:00 - 940621 15:30  CAN Pass Canceled
AO_PSC           940623 13:55 - 940623 14:20  CAN Telemetry loss
GSGP4            940624 14:00 - 940624 14:30  GLD Telemetry loss
NGC7469          940627 05:30 - 940627 06:30  MAD Telemetry loss
LSS LineD        940629 10:50 - 940629 13:40  GLD Telemetry loss
LSS LineD        940629 20:50 - 940630 01:30  KSC Trouble
GP COM           940701 00:10 - 940701 01:40  KSC Trouble
AC118            940704 15:30 - 940704 18:40  KSC Trouble
AC118            940704 19:00 - 940704 19:25  KSC Trouble
A2670            940706 08:30 - 940706 13:30  GLD Trouble
A2670            940706 17:00 - 940706 18:30  KSC Trouble
GP COM           940706 21:00 - 940706 21:40  KSC Trouble
GP COM           940706 22:15 - 940707 00:00  KSC Trouble
1E1207.4-52      940707 14:00 - 940707 17:00  KSC Trouble
1E1207.4-52      940707 17:10 - 940707 23:30  KSC Pass Canceled
A 1651           940712 10:25 - 940712 11:30  GLD Trouble
JUPITER          940717 11:30 - 940717 13:00  KSC Trouble
JUPITER          940718 18:30 - 940718 19:10  MAD Telemetry loss
A1835            940720 09:50 - 940720 11:15  KSC Trouble
PHL_1377         940808 13:30 - 940808 15:30  CAN Trouble
NGC1365          940812 22:30 - 940814 22:30  Typhoon
A401             940819 12:00 - 940819 16:00  GLD pass canceled
ABELL_2204       940820 15:40 - 940820 15:52  GLD pass canceled
ABELL_2204       940820 15:52 - 940821 06:08  MAD pass canceled
ABELL_2204       940821 06:08 - 940821 07:49  MAD pass canceled
ABELL_2204       940821 07:49 - 940821 09:30  MAD pass canceled
HR1099           940825 11:15 - 940825 12:00  MAD Trouble
CIR_X-1_N2       940826 10:00 - 940826 11:10  GLD Trouble
Q1745+624_N2     940828 10:00 - 940828 10:27  GLD Trouble
Q1745+624_N2     940828 10:27 - 940828 12:10  GLD pass canceled
A483             940830 09:50 - 940830 10:20  GLD Trouble
X1636-536_N1     940901 00:30 - 940901 02:17  MAD pass canceled
X1636-536_N1     940901 02:17 - 940901 03:30  MAD pass canceled
ESO103-G35       940903 22:50 - 940904 00:28  MAD pass canceled
ESO103-G35       940904 00:28 - 940904 02:10  MAD pass canceled
ESO103-G35       940904 10:10 - 940904 20:30  CAN pass canceled
-----            940905 18:20 - 940905 22:42  MAD pass canceled
-----            940905 22:42 - 940906 02:05  MAD pass canceled
-----            940906 02:05 - 940906 04:30  CAN pass canceled
-----            940906 04:30 - 940906 05:45  KSC Trouble
HT_CAS           940906 21:00 - 940906 22:39  MAD pass canceled
HT_CAS           940906 22:39 - 940907 00:21  MAD pass canceled
G358.7-9.9       940911 22:30 - 940911 23:30  GLD Trouble
GX339-4_N2       940912 14:40 - 940912 18:50  MAD pass canceled
X1636-536_N5     940913 21:30 - 940913 23:25  GLD pass canceled
GX_1+4           940915 12:50 - 940915 15:45  MAD pass canceled 
ESO_141-G55      940921 20:10 - 940921 22:30  GLD Trouble
ZETA_ORI         940926 23:23 - 940926 23:26  GLD Trouble
G54.4-0.3_NORTH  941014 07:30 - 941014 08:30  CAN Trouble
CYGNUS_LOOP      941102 21:00 - 941103 00:45  GLD Trouble
PSR_0540-69_N5   941107 07:30 - 941107 09:00  Safe hold
CYGNUS_LOOP      941116 07:00 - 941116 14:16  CAN Trouble
EPSILON_CMA      941117 13:00 - 941117 13:40  CAN Trouble
CYG_X-1_N1       941123 15:10 - 941123 15:35  GLD Trouble
CYG_X-1_N2       941124 11:45 - 941124 12:30  CAN Trouble
CYG_X-1_N4       941125 13:15 - 941125 14:00  GLD Trouble
NGC3690          941201 23:30 - 941202 00:30  MAD Trouble
XY_LEO           941203 07:30 - 941203 07:56  CAN Trouble
XY_LEO           941203 07:56 - 941203 08:30  CAN Trouble
A1851            941204 09:10 - 941204 10:15  GLD Trouble
MS1008.1-1224    941207 03:35 - 941207 04:05  CAN Trouble
EQ_PEG           941210 11:30 - 941210 12:30  MAD Trouble
FAIRALL-9_N3     941211 00:30 - 941211 00:46  CAN Trouble
FAIRALL-9_N3     941211 00:46 - 941211 01:30  CAN Trouble
ABELL_2390       941211 05:50 - 941211 07:45  GLD Trouble
MCG_01-01-043    941212 18:00 - 941212 18:30  MAD Trouble 
A1246		 941216 04:35 - 941216 05:35  GLD poor telemetry
CN_Leo		 941217 06:15 - 941217 08:00  MAD poor telemetry
FAIRALL9_5	 941218 15:55 - 941218 17:50  MAD poor telemetry
FAIRALL9_7	 941226 15:30 - 941226 16:00  MAD poor telemetry
Mrk273		 941228 10:30 - 941228 11:50  MAD poor telemetry
SNR in NGC694	 941229 16:30 - 941229 17:20  MAD poor telemetry
SNR in NGC694	 941230 19:40 - 941230 20:30  GLD poor telemetry
SNR in NGC694	 941231 13:05 - 941231 14:35  MAD poor telemetry
SNR in NGC694	 941231 16:30 - 941231 18:22  CAN poor telemetry
SNR in NGC694	 950101 07:49 - 950101 14:55  CAN MPA Failure
3C279#2		 950105 12:05 - 950105 12:45  MAD poor telemetry
UV_CETI#1	 950105 18:25 - 950105 18:45  GLD poor telemetry
UV_CETI#2	 950106 15:15 - 950106 16:40  GLD poor telemetry
UV_CETI#2	 950106 18:30 - 950106 18:55  GLD poor telemetry
UV_CETI#2	 950106 19:05 - 950106 20:40  GLD MPA Trouble
UV_CETI#2	 950106 20:47 - 950106 21:40  GLD poor telemetry
A1758#1		 950107 16:00 - 950107 16:40  GLD poor telemetry
3C279#3		 950108 15:45 - 950108 16:40  GLD DUMP at AOS
A1758#2		 950109 04:45 - 950109 10:55  CAN STATION Trouble
LSS_9		 950110 04:40 - 950110 05:25  MAD DUMP at LOS
CENT.20		 950113 02:50 - 950113 03:45  MAD poor telemetry
G296.1-0.7_S	 950114 08:00 - 950114 08:50  CAN ANT TRK Error
B1422+231	 950114 16:20 - 950114 17:16  MAD poor telemetry
B1422+231	 950114 17:55 - 950114 18:52  MAD poor telemetry
B1422+231	 950114 19:36 - 950114 20:28  MAD poor telemetry
B1422+231	 950114 21:09 - 950114 22:04  MAD poor telemetry
B1422+231	 950114 23:40 - 950114 00:20  MAD poor telemetry
RXJ1347.5_1145 	 950118 00:55 - 950118 01:40  MAD poor telemetry
G_272.2-3.2	 950119 05:25 - 950119 05:55  CAN poor telemetry
G_272.2-3.2	 950119 06:06 - 950119 06:50  CAN poor telemetry
G_272.2-3.2	 950120 23:05 - 950120 23:05  BDR over
A400		 950120 23:20 - 950121 01:00  BDR over
A400		 950121 13:15 - 950121 14:00  BDR over
A3556		 950124 07:25 - 950124 07:55  GLD poor telemetry
NGC499		 950129 01:30 - 950129 02:08  MAD poor telemetry
GC1124_68	 950131 20:20 - 950131 23:30  MAD ANT Tripping
CEN_X-3		 950202 05:20 - 950202 05:45  GLD poor telemetry
A0538-66	 950203 17:00 - 950203 19:30  MAD poor telemetry
GK_PER		 950204 20:50 - 950204 21:15  MAD poor telemetry
GK_PER		 950204 23:30 - 950204 24:00  CAN DUMP at AOS & LOS
PSR_B1259-63	 950207 23:30 - 950208 01:10  GLD poor telemetry
A3395		 950215 11:35 - 950215 12:05  MAD poor telemetry
IRAS 05189-2524	 950215 17:50 - 950215 18:25  CAN poor telemetry
3C_346		 950218 09:48 - 950218 12:25  CAN NO DUMP Available
CENTAURUS_B	 950222 07:55 - 950222 08:00  MAD poor telemetry	
A2152		 950222 08:00 - 950222 08:48  MAD poor telemetry 
A2152		 950222 15:35 - 950222 16:45  CAN DUMP at AOS & LOS
A2152		 950222 18:00 - 950222 20:05  GLD DUMP at AOS
SU_AUR		 950224 06:05 - 950224 07:10  MAD poor telemetry
SU_AUR		 950224 12:18 - 950224 12:58  MAD poor telemetry
LAMBDA_ERI	 950226 14:40 - 950226 15:25  CAN poor telemetry
Q1508+5714	 950302 18:20 - 950302 19:35  BDR over
Q1508+5714	 950303 06:45 - 950303 09:10  TDRSS-1 Emergency
Q1508+5714	 950303 09:20 - 950303 10:25  TDRSS-1 Emergency
Q1508+5714	 950304 02:20 - 950304 05:50  MAD DUMP at LOS
Q1508+5714 	 950304 05:08 - 950304 12:10  TDRS Emergency
4U1700+24	 950308 14:40 - 950308 15:25  GLD STATION Trouble
HPD3850		 950312 06:10 - 950312 06:50  CAN poor telemetry
PKS0528-134_2	 950314 04:35 - 950314 05:58  WAL poor telemetry
X1755-33	 950314 20:40 - 950314 24:00  MAD poor telemetry
GB930704_p2	 950318 01:00 - 950318 02:30  MAD pass canceld
HD150798	 950318 14:30 - 950318 17:00  WAL poor telemetry
0528+134	 950320 00:55 - 950320 01:30  MAD poor telemetry
0528+134	 950320 05:55 - 950320 06:20  GLD poor telemetry
X1636-536	 950320 06:20 - 950320 06:35  MAD poor telemetry
X1636-536	 950320 23:10 - 950321 00:30  STATION Trouble at AOS 
SN1993J		 950402 03:00 - 950402 17:30  MAD ANT Break
X1905+00	 950409 20:10 - 950409 20:45  WAL poor telemetry
CL0939+47	 950413 15:55 - 950413 17:55  GOD poor telemetry
GS2000+25	 950417 14:28 - 950417 15:30  WAL poor telemetry
GRS1915+105	 950420 13:30 - 950420 14:20  WAL poor telemetry
Speedy Mic	 950421 12:45 - 950421 13:10  WAL transmitt trouble	
AU Mic		 950421 13:10 - 950421 15:55  WAL transmitt trouble
Kes79		 950422 14:20 - 950422 15:00  WAL poor telemetry
SN1987A		 950423 02:10 - 950423 05:08  << BDR STOP >>
MKN421_p6	 950505 19:50 - 950505 20:35  MAD poor telemetry
3C390.3		 950506 06:30 - 950506 07:10  MAD poor telemetry
SS_433_p9	 950506 13:40 - 950506 14:30  MAD poor telemetry
NGC7172		 950513 16:00 - 950513 17:00  MAD poor telemetry	
V444_CYG_P2	 950513 17:00 - 950513 17:30  MAD poor telemetry
CYG_LOOP_P1	 950514 02:20 - 950514 02:55  WAL poor telemetry
CYG_LOOP_P1	 950514 06:15 - 950514 07:10  MAD poor telemetry
V444_CYG_P3	 950514 19:30 - 950514 20:20  CAN poor telemetry
NGC3227		 950515 18:10 - 950515 19:10  CAN poor telemetry
PG1116+215  	 950519 12:38 - 950519 14:52  << BDR STOP >>
CYGNUS_LP9	 950520 03:45 - 950520 05:29  << BDR STOP >>
AC114		 950520 12:15 - 950520 19:40  WAL cancel
AC114		 950520 19:50 - 950521 03:40  ???
AC114		 950521 03:42 - 950521 09:10  << BDR STOP >>
AC114		 950521 09:10 - 950521 16:40  ???
3C303		 950521 17:50 - 950522 02:26  << BDR STOP >>
3C303		 950522 12:10 - 950522 18:11  MAD cancel
WAS_49		 950523 10:50 - 950523 11:29  << BDR STOP >>
MS1054.5-0321	 950524 23:02 - 950525 03:17  << BDR STOP >>
NGC_4736	 950526 10:15 - 950526 12:10  MAD cancel
NGC_4736	 950526 16:25 - 950526 18:35  CAN cancel
BRACCESI_FD_1	 950527 08:30 - 950527 16:10  MAD cancel
BRACCESI_FD_1	 950527 22:40 - 950528 02:00  MAD poor telemetry
BRACCESI_FD_2	 950528 16:15 - 950528 21:50  GOD station trouble
BRACCESI_FD_2	 950529 08:20 - 950529 09:35  MAD poor telemetry
CL2236-04	 950601 11:02 - 950601 11:10  MAD poor telemetry
3C445            950601 11:10 - 950601 11:43  MAD poor telemetry
3C445		 950602 06:30 - 950602 07:20  MAD poor telemetry
SA57		 950605 09:00 - 950605 09:46  MAD poor telemetry
KLEMOLA44        950608 02:45 - 950608 03:20  MAD poor telemetry
SA57 		 950616 05:50 - 950616 07:40  WAL cancel
SA57		 950617 11:30 - 950617 12:00  MAD poor telemetry	
PG_1247+267    	 950617 12:00 - 950617 12:50  MAD poor telemetry
RGH80		 950623 20:00 - 950623 22:15  MAD poor telemetry
RGH80		 950624 07:05 - 950624 09:10  MAD poor telemetry
Abell1774	 950628 17:05 - 950628 17:50  MAD poor telemetry
Abell1774	 950628 21:35 - 950628 22:30  MAD not Lock on		
NGC7626_NGC7619	 950628 22:30 - 950628 23:05  MAD not Lock on
NGC7626_NGC7619	 950629 06:00 - 950629 07:05  GOD poor telemetry 
MKN478		 950702 13:40 - 950702 15:45  SAN poor telemetry
QSO CLUSTER	 950703 19:30 - 950703 20:45  MAD poor telemetry
QSO CLUSTER	 950703 23:00 - 950703 23:55  CAN poor telemetry
QSO CLUSTER	 950705 00:25 - 950705 01:30  WAL poor telemetry
LSS_P1_13	 950706 13:20 - 950706 14:10  MAD cancel
LSS_P1_17	 950707 13:10 - 950707 14:10  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_5084	 950709 01:50 - 950709 02:50  GLD poor telemetry
A119		 950715 09:20 - 950715 10:40  MAD trouble	
IZW1		 950715 10:40 - 950715 12:00  MAD trouble
IZW1		 950715_20:10 - 950716 02:02  << BDR STOP >>
A223		 950716 18:40 - 950716 19:30  WAL poor telemetry
CEN CLUSTER	 950719 18:30 - 950719 19:30  GLD outage
PKS1209-52_1	 950721 22:50 - 950722 01:40  KSC trouble
PKS1209-52_3	 950722 15:50 - 950722 17:00  MAD poor telemetry
Z_SYSTEM2	 950727 03:40 - 950727 04:40  MAD poor telemetry
MGC628		 950729 21:25 - 950729 22:25  MAD poor telemetry
M31		 950730 12:40 - 950730 13:30  GLD poor telemetry
CTB109		 950801 12:30 - 950801 13:25  WAL poor telemetry
CTB109		 950801 23:54 - 950802 02:33  MAD trouble
CasA_c1x	 950802 23:50 - 950803 00:40  MAD poor telemetry
CasA_c1o	 950803 08:30 - 950803 10:50  GLD poor telemetry
CasA_c1o	 950803 12:20 - 950803 14:00  GLD poor telemetry
NGC_1332	 950806 01:00 - 950806 01:40  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_1332	 950806 08:00 - 950806 08:40  WAL poor telemetry
NGC_1332	 950806 09:30 - 950806 10:20  GLD poor telemetry
NGC_1332	 950807 02:26 - 950807 02:55  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_1332	 950807 07:42 - 950807 08:12  GLD poor telemetry
XY_ARI		 950807 21:51 - 950807 23:40  MAD pointing error
AWM4		 950807 23:40 - 950808 00:05  MAD pointing error
CasA_c1x_3	 950810 14:58 - 950810 16:35  KSC cancel
CasA_c1x_3	 950810 22:45 - 950811 00:20  CAN cencel
Center_of_Grav	 950813 02:40 - 950813 06:00  GLD poor telemetry
PG1553		 950817 02:30 - 950817 04:45  WAL cancel
CasA_c1x_4	 950817 22:25 - 950817 22:50  WAL cancel
Perseus_#1	 950818 21:35 - 950818 22:10  MAD poor telemetry
E1615+061_#1	 950821 01:35 - 950821 02:15  GLD poor telemetry
IRAS15564+6359	 950821 18:50 - 950821 19:35  WAL poor telemetry
3C99		 950827 03:40 - 950827 07:25  CAN poor telemetry
3C99		 950827 22:05 - 950827 22:55  GLD poor telemetry
IRAS_17020+454	 950829 21:30 - 950829 22:45  GLD poor telemetry
SVS13		 950831 14:50 - 950831 15:25  GLD poor telemetry
IC_359		 950903 00:20 - 950903 01:25  MAD poor telemetry
Perseus_3	 950904 17:40 - 950904 18:20  WAL poor telemetry
GX339-4		 950908 15:50 - 950908 18:50  GLD ANT trouble 
G_LONG_342.40	 950910 17:40 - 950910 18:35  GLD poor telemetry
Maffei-1	 950912 04:32 - 950912 05:40  WAL poor telemetry
V773_TAU	 950916 18:30 - 950917 04:55  MAD cancel due to STS
A539		 950918 03:25 - 950918 07:00  CAN poor telemetry  
THE_6.4KEV_ISLAND950921 08:30 - 950921 11:19  GLD poor telemetry
THE_6.4KEV_ISLAND950921 11:30 - 950921 12:00  WAL poor telemetry
X1746-371	 950921 22:55 - 950921 23:50  WAL poor telemetry
GALAC_RIDGE_2	 950926 02:55 - 950926 03:43  CAN poor telemetry
CRAB_NEBULA_d	 950930 03:30 - 950930 06:00  WAL poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_P3	 951002 04:14 - 951002 04:58  WAL poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_P4	 951002 07:35 - 951002 08:20  GLD poor telemetry
A3266		 951008 05:25 - 951008 06:50  MAD poor telemetry
W51		 951011 13:15 - 951011 14:45  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2000-330	 951013 20:40 - 951013 22:10  WAL poor telemetry
GRO_J2019+37	 951015 03:15 - 951015 12:30  MAD cancel due to STS
MS0735.6+7421	 951015 12:30 - 951015 15:40  MAD cancel due to STS
MS0735.6+7421	 951015 15:50 - 951015 16:50  MAD cancel due to STS  
PKS_2152-69	 951017 19:10 - 951017 20:00  WAL poor telemetry
PKS_2152-69	 951017 23:45 - 951018 02:25  GLD poor telemetry 
29_CMA_2	 951023 22:50 - 951024 03:23	<>
SN1993J 	 951025 04:00 - 951025 06:35  KSC cancel for YOHOKO
29_CMA_1	 951026 07:15 - 951026 08:10  MAD poor telemetry   
WR6		 951028 19:40 - 951028 23:00  MAD poor telemetry
IX_VEL		 951029 14:40 - 951029 16:00  GLD ANT trouble  
IX_VEL		 951029 16:15 - 951029 17:00  WAL poor telemetry	
IX_VEL		 951029 18:05 - 951029 20:50  GLD ANT trouble
RGH_12		 951030 05:20 - 951030 06:17  MAD poor telemetry	 
NGC6888		 951031 12:14 - 951031 13:00  WAL poor telemetry	
NGC6888		 951101 10:40 - 951101 11:12  WAL poor telemetry
NGC6888		 951101 14:30 - 951101 17:15  GLD unable acq. s/c
WR147		 951102 03:30 - 951102 05:10  MAD TGC failed out B.O.T
IRAS_23128-5919	 951102 14:28 - 951102 17:32  GLD unable to lock up TGC#S
RX_J2150.2-1410	 951104 12:30 - 951104 14:00  GLD pass cancel for STS
RX_J2150.2-1410	 951104	14:10 - 951104 15:45  GLD pass cancel for STS
3C215		 951104	20:00 - 951105 00:52  << BDR STOP >>
SN1987A		 951107 04:20 - 951107 06:30  CAN pass cancel for STS
SN1987A		 951107 10:50 - 951107 11:20  GLD poor telemetry
SN1987A		 951108 04:15 - 951108 07:00  MAD pass cancel for STS
NGC2903		 951109 11:05 - 951109 12:00  GLD poor telemetry
AC114		 951109 23:35 - 951110 00:05  MAD poor telemetry
HN_Peg		 951111 06:30 - 951111 08:40  WAL pass cancel for STS
HN_Peg		 951111 08:50 - 951111 10:15  WAL pass cancel for STS
MKN1210_2	 951112 04:30 - 951112 07:40  WAL pass cancel for STS
UKMS_1		 951112 07:40 - 951112 08:36  WAL pass cancel for STS
UKMS_1		 951112 08:48 - 951112 10:18  WAL pass cancel for STS
HD_200775	 951117 06:45 - 951117 07:45  GLD poor telemetry
GLIESE_890	 951118 08:10 - 951118 09:30  GLD MPA failure
GLIESE_890	 951118 10:10 - 951118 11:27  GLD MPA failure
GLIESE_890	 951118 11:40 - 951118 17:30  SAN station trouble
GLIESE_890	 951119 06:39 - 951119 08:10  WAL poor telemetry
NGC_1672	 951124 04:40 - 951124 05:45  GLD station failed
F568-06 #2	 951126 13:00 - 951126 14:00  << BDR STOP >>
SS_CYG		 951127 14:00 - 951127 14:35  SAN poor telemetry
BJS855		 951128 15:00 - 951128 15:55  WAL poor telemetry
RXJ 0232.3-4420  951202 22:50 - 951203 00:23  GLD poor telemetry
RXJ 0232.3-4420  951203 00:35 - 951203 12:00  MAD no data transimission
CQ_CEP		 951205 15:15 - 951205 16:30  CAN poor telemetry
PG_1148+549	 951208 21:00 - 951208 21:05  WAL poor telemetry
HE_1029-1401	 951208 21:05 - 951208 21:38  WAL poor telemetry
HE_1029-1401	 951210 01:30 - 951210 02:35  CAN poor telemetry
NGC5005		 951213 17:30 - 951213 18:00  GLD poor telemetry
NGC5005		 951213 19:15 - 951213 19:45  GLD poor telemetry
MRK507		 951216 16:49 - 951216 21:16  << BDR STOP >>
MRK507		 951216 22:16 - 951216 22:52  << BDR STOP >>
MRK507		 951216 23:56 - 951217 00:28  << BDR STOP >>
MRK507		 951217 01:30 - 951217 02:00  << BDR STOP >>  
A1674		 951217 06:08 - 951217 06:40  << BDR STOP >>  
A1674		 951217 07:44 - 951217 08:16  << BDR STOP >>  
A1674		 951217 09:20 - 951217 09:54  << BDR STOP >>  
A1674		 951217 10:10 - 951217 13:42  << BDR STOP >>
VELA_SNR_1	 951220 04:10 - 951220 06:50  MAD antenna trouble
A2657		 951227 06:34 - 951217 07:00  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_4636	 951229 09:35 - 951229 10:45  WAL poor telemetry 
NGC_4636	 960101 11:00 - 960101 15:40  SAN no data in CDR	 
NGC_4636	 960102 18:25 - 960102 19:30  SAN poor telemetry
LAMBDA_AND	 960107 19:17 - 960107 19:30  MAD poor telemetry
PKS_0208-512_1	 960107 19:30 - 960107 20:47  MAD poor telemetry
PKS_0208-512_1 	 960107 21:23 - 960107 22:20  MAD poor telemetry
GRB930131_2	 960109 21:15 - 960109 22:00  MAD poor telemetry
RD_J13434+0001	 960114 00:00 - 960114 01:15  GOD not scheduled
GAMMA_CAS	 960118 17:17 - 960118 21:14  CAN no data in CDR
GAMMA_CAS	 960118 21:23 - 960118 22:25  CAN no data in CDR
NAB0205+024	 960119 01:16 - 960119 02:25  GOD poor telemetry
Abell_1914	 960123 21:45 - 960123 23:05  GOD poor telemetry
SN1986J		 960130 16:20 - 960130 23:55  KSC station trouble
PRG74_2		 960203 15:41 - 960203 22:20  << BDR STOP >>
H0348-120	 960205 12:30 - 960205 12:55  GOD poor telemetry
H0348-120	 960206 03:10 - 960206 04:15  KSC station trouble
A2065_2		 960211 05:40 - 960211 07:15  WAL poor telemetry
NGC2808  	 960214 12:00 - 960214 12:30  WAL poor telemetry
M4_#2		 960217 13:27 - 960217 16:02  << BDR STOP >>
GRO_J1744-28	 960226 19:45 - 960226 21:05  CAN pass canceled
NGC_2023	 960301 15:25 - 960301 16:25  WAL poor telemetry
GAMMA_CAS_2	 960304 03:55 - 960304 05:00  GOD poor telemetry
47_CAS		 960305 21:30 - 960305 22:10  WAL poor telemetry
G_327.1-1.1	 960310 02:50 - 960310 06:39  << BDR STOP >>
GAL_RIDGE1_10	 960316 23:05 - 960317 02:50  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_6397	 960317 02:50 - 960317 03:50  MAD poor telemetry
GRO_J1655-40	 960323 05:30 - 960323 05:55  WAL poor telemetry
GRO_J1655-40	 960325 13:00 - 960325 13:35  GOD poor telemetry
MKN501_2	 960326 03:35 - 960326 04:40  WAL poor telemetry
CYG_X-1_1	 960326 13:15 - 960326 13:47  WAL poor telemetry
NGC6715		 960327 03:30 - 960327 04:35  MAD poor telemetry
EPSILON_CRA	 960329 03:25 - 960329 04:00  MAD poor telemetry
CYG_X-1_3	 960329 11:05 - 960329 15:45  GOD pass canceled
CYG_X-1_4	 960330 19:55 - 960330 21:00  SAN poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE4_4	 960401	05:55 - 960401 06:30  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE4_5	 960401	06:30 - 960401 08:30  GOD poor telemetry
A611 		 960404 04:10 - 960404 05:30  CAN poor telemetry
R_CR_A		 960405 21:50 - 960405 24:20  MAD poor telemetry
R_CR_A		 960406 13:45 - 960406 18:45  SAN no transmission
44TI_SOURCE_1	 960407 09:28 - 960407 09:55  WAL poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE6_7	 960410 07:45 - 960410 08:05  GOD poor telemetry
3C400.2		 960413 07:00 - 960413 07:45  GOD poor telemetry
BG_CMI_1	 960415 16:05 - 960415 17:10  MAD poor telemetry
NGC6329_GROUP	 960422 01:50 - 960422 02:20  GOD poor telemetry
AR_UMa		 960428 02:00 - 960428 06:30  << BDR STOP >>
AR_UMa		 960428 06:30 - 960428 14:35  CAN no data in CDR
AD_LEO		 960504 23:50 - 960505 04:45 << BDR STOP >>
INIT_ATT	 960508 06:05 - 960508 12:25  CAN station error
RXJ0658-5557	 960510 14:00 - 960510 14:35  WAL poor telemetry
VELA_SNR_EAST	 960511 18:30 - 960511 19:10  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_7122	 960518 02:05 - 960518 04:46  MAD antenna maintenance
NGC_7122	 960518 05:56 - 960518 06:25  MAD antenna maintenance
NGC_7314	 960518 20:45 - 960518 21:10  SAN poor telemetry
NGC4104_GROUP	 960520 04:50 - 960520 10:57  GOD not lock on
1230.8+3440	 960520 11:10 - 960520 14:19  GOD canceled for STS
0103-72.6_1	 960522 00:05 - 960522 00:20  MAD trouble
PKS_2155-304_1	 960522 00:20 - 960522 02:49  MAD trouble
PKS_2155-304_1	 960522 03:00 - 960522 04:15  MAD trouble
0103-72.6_2	 960522 07:05 - 960522 10:30  GOD trouble
LMC_X-4		 960524 22:15 - 960525 02:15  MAD no down link
LMC_X-4		 960525 21:15 - 960525 22:10  MAD poor telemetry
MR_2251-178_1	 960526 07:20 - 960526 07:55  WAL poor telemetry
NGC3607_3608	 960526 23:25 - 960526 23:55  MAD poor telemetry
NGC3607_3608	 960528 00:55 - 960528 02:24  MAD antenna not pointing
NGC3607_3608	 960528 02:35 - 960528 04:00  MAD antenna not pointing
PKS2251+113 	 960601 18:20 - 960601 20:40  MAD poor telemetry
GRO_J2019+37	 960602 15:40 - 960602 16:10  MAD poor telemetry
MS1111.9-3754	 960604 09:05 - 960604 09:45  GOD poor telemetry
MS1111.9-3754	 960605 03:30 - 960605 04:55  GOD pass canceled
MS1111.9-3754	 960605 16:25 - 960605 16:50  SAN poor telemetry
NGC4258_3	 960606 17:45 - 960607 18:20  SAN poor telemetry
RXJ1716.6+670_1	 960609 15:50 - 960609 16:40  SAN poor telemetry
RXJ1716.6+670_1	 960609 16:50 - 960609 18:46  MAD station not supported
RXJ1716.6+670_1	 960609 18:56 - 960609 20:27  MAD station not supported
RXJ1716.6+670_1	 960609 14:15 - 960609 16:25  MAD antenna not pointing
RXJ1716.6+670_2	 960611 14:15 - 960611 16:25  MAD antenna maintenance
ABELL_1553	 960612 23:30 - 960613 02:25  WAL poor telemetry
RHS_61		 960616 00:00 - 960616 00:30  GOD poor telemetry
RHS_61		 960616 03:20 - 960616 04:00  GOD poor telemetry
RHS_61		 960616 10:50 - 960616 11:40  WAL poor telemetry
RHS_61		 960616 13:50 - 960616 18:00  WAL poor telemetry
PRG_62		 960617 10:30 - 960617 15:35  CAN poor telemetry
PRG_62	 	 960617 17:30 - 960617 18:40  WAL poor telemetry
PRG_62		 960618 07:00 - 960618 08:30  KSC trouble
MR2251-178_2	 960618 08:30 - 960618 10:15  KSC trouble
HCG_97		 960620 10:15 - 960620 11:00  WAL poor telemetry
HCG_97		 960620 22:40 - 960621 00:21  GOD no data in CDR
Q2345+007_1	 960627 10:20 - 960627 11:00  CAN poor telemetry
NGC5548_2	 960629 18:50 - 960629 22:00  GOD lower elevation
VV697		 960706 15:00 - 960706 19:55  SAN no transmission
VV697		 960706 20:25 - 960707 09:50  WAL poor telemetry
NGC_612		 960713 11:10 - 960713 12:35  GOD computers failed
NGC_612		 960713 18:05 - 960713 19:43  SAN poor telemetry
NGC_612		 960713 20:00 - 960713 20:40  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_5129_GROUP	 960715 20:40 - 960715 21:05  MAD poor telemetry
3C273		 960717 17:05 - 960717 17:45  SAN poor telemetry
3C273		 960717 17:55 - 960718 00:45  MAD pass cancell
3C273		 960718 02:50 - 960718 03:30  WAL poor telemetry
3C273		 960718 04:05 - 960718 05:20  WAL poor telemetry
3C273	         960718 13:40 - 960718 20:30  KSC typhoon
3C273		 960718 20:30 - 960719 03:58  WAL pass canceled
3C273		 960719 04:10 - 960719 05:31  GOD pass canceled
3C273		 960719 05:45 - 960719 10:34  GOD pass canceled
3C273		 960719 10:45 - 960719 11:45  KSC cannot scheduled 
NGC4941		 960719 18:45 - 960719 22:45  MAD pass canceled
1345+125	 960720 18:40 - 960720 19:05  SAN poor telemetry
1H0419-577_1	 960722 04:00 - 960722 05:27  WAL poor telemetry
CAS_A_C0O	 960723 04:00 - 960723 05:12  GOD no data in CDR
CAS_A_C0O	 960723 05:25 - 960723 06:20  GOD poor telemetry
CAS_A_C1X_1	 960723 06:20 - 960723 06:55  GOD poor telemetry
P3_NEAR_SC132	 960729 17:30 - 960729 18:30  WAL poor telemetry
LOC_GR_HALO_1 	 960803 00:45 - 960803 02:35  GOD poor telemetry
M32_2		 960805 10:50 - 960805 11:50  SAN poor telemetry
1H0419-577_2	 960810 21:20 - 960810 22:52  GOD power failure
1H0419-577_2	 960810 23:05 - 960811 00:20  GOD power failure
CEN_A_CORE	 960813 17:15 - 960813 17:45  WAL poor telemetry
CEN_A_MID_LOBE	 960814 00:00 - 960814 06:50  KSC typhoon
CEN_A_MID_LOBE	 960814 06:50 - 960814 14:50  GOD pass deleted
ACO_3570	 960814 14:50 - 960814 17:31  GOD pass deleted
ACO_3570	 960814 17:45 - 960814 19:11  GOD pass deleted
ACO_3570	 960814 19:25 - 960814 20:54  GOD pass deleted
ACO_3570	 960814 21:05 - 960814 23:50  KSC cannot scheduled
NGC1068		 960817 22:19 - 960817 23:14  << BDR STOP >>
NGC1068		 960818 14:08 - 960818 14:35  GOD poor telemetry
MS0302.7+1658	 960818 14:35 - 960818 15:35  GOD poor telemetry
MS0302.7+1658	 960819 14:10 - 960819 15:00  WAL poor telemetry
V471_TAURI	 960827 09:35 - 960827 11:40  WAL no transmission
HB-3_2		 960828 16:00 - 960828 17:50  KSC trouble
GAL_RIDGE5_1	 960831 06:00 - 960831 07:05  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE5_6	 960902 01:40 - 960902 02:25  MAD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE5_8	 960902 21:00 - 960902 21:35  MAD poor telemetry
ROH-OPH_EAST	 960903 21:00 - 960903 23:25  GOD poor telemetry
CAL87		 960906 04:00 - 960906 05:25  GOD lock off
CAL87		 960906 19:00 - 960906 20:45  MAD TGC problem
ABELL_514	 960908 18:00 - 960908 21:36  MAD ANT trouble
ABELL_514	 960908 21:50 - 960908 23:55  CAN not scheduled
LB=0_50		 960911 17:00 - 960911 18:00  MAD poor telemetry
3C353		 960915 15:05 - 960915 15:38  SAN poor telemetry
3C353		 960915 15:50 - 960915 16:10  MAD poor telemetry
PSR_1821-24	 960916 15:00 - 960916 16:00  MAD poor telemetry
G359.1-0.9	 960923 18:10 - 960923 18:50  WAL poor telemetry
G359.1-0.9	 960923 22:10 - 960924 01:40  GOD no data in CDR
COMET_TABUR_1	 960925 16:15 - 960925 17:15  WAL no transmission
COMET_TABUR_2	 960925 17:15 - 960925 18:27  WAL no transmission
COMET_TABUR_3	 960925 18:40 - 960925 20:08  WAL pass canceled
COMET_TABUR_4	 960925 20:20 - 960925 21:40  WAL no transmission
4U1822-37	 960926 16:10 - 960926 18:23  WAL station problem
4U1822-37	 960926 18:35 - 960926 20:00  WAL station problem
GC_0-175	 960927 16:10 - 960927 18:15  WAL station problem
GC_0-175	 960927 21:45 - 960927 23:13  GOD SCP problem
QS_TEL		 960928 23:18 - 960929 02:21  << BDR STOP >>
QS_TEL		 960929 12:20 - 960929 13:35  CAN poor telemetry
RX_J1802+1804	 961001 14:10 - 961001 18:02  WAL not captured
RX_J1802+1804	 961001 18:15 - 961001 19:35  WAL not captured
G14.2+0.1	 961003 00:15 - 961003 01:50  KSC trouble
GALAC_RIDGE	 961007 12:05 - 961007 14:00  WAL AOS unusable
GALAC_RIDGE	 961008 06:30 - 961008 09:45  CAN poor telemetry
4U1907+09_1	 961012 14:10 - 961012 15:23  GOD CDR failure
M82_8		 961014 10:35 - 961014 11:53  GOD not lock on
R_CR_A_2	 961017 23:30 - 961018 03:25  CAN no data in CDR
MRK_509_1	 961020 06:45 - 961020 07:20  GOD poor telemetry
NGC2273		 961021 03:35 - 961021 04:07  CAN poor telemetry
NGC2273		 961021 04:20 - 961021 04:45  WAL poor telemetry
MRK_509_2	 961022 21:10 - 961023 01:34  MAD CDR failure
MRK_509_2	 961023 01:45 - 961023 02:40  MAD CDR failure
GRS1915+105	 961023 02:40 - 961023 03:15  MAD CDR failure
GRS1915+105	 961023 03:25 - 961023 04:35  GOD poor telemetry
SN1993J		 961027 08:55 - 961027 09:17  GOD poor telemetry
SN1993J		 961027 16:30 - 961027 18:02  SAN downconverter failure
SN1993J		 961028 02:45 - 961028 05:05  GOD data did not leave
PKS_0548-322	 961029 05:05 - 961029 05:40  GOD poor telemetry
YZ_CMI		 961031 02:00 - 961031 02:25  WAL poor telemetry
YZ_CMI		 961031 02:35 - 961031 03:05  GOD poor telemetry
IRAS08572+3915	 961103 14:20 - 961103 17:30  MAD human error
NGC_7314_2	 961113 09:30 - 961113 12:10  CAN station error	 
A779_1		 961113 23:40 - 961114 00:20  GOD poor telemetry
A_851		 961116 23:20 - 961117 01:00  GOD ANT masking
Pictor_A	 961123 05:30 - 961123 06:00  MAD poor telemetry
Pictor_A	 961123 08:15 - 961123 09:47  MAD pass canceled
Pictor_A	 961123 10:00 - 961123 10:35  CAN poor telemetry
Pictor_A	 961123 18:00 - 961124 09:10  MAD pass canceled
RXJ0949+1708	 961130 20:25 - 961130 21:10  KSC poor telemetry
HD45348          961201 10:48 - 961201 12:07  GOD No Down Link
HD45348          961201 12:19 - 961201 13:45  GOD pass scrubbed
RX_J11152+5320   961204 10:25 - 961204 13:35  GOD pass canceled
RX_J11152+5320   961205 06:40 - 961205 07:05  WAL pass canceled
A1045            961205 23:25 - 961206 00:40  MAD poor telemetry
A1045            961206 01:25 - 961206 01:55  MAD poor telemetry
A1045		 961206	02:50 - 961206 03:20  MAD poor telemetry
A1045            961206 03:58 - 961206 05:00  MAD poor telemetry 
A1045            961206 08:45 - 961206 10:05  GOD telemetry dropouts
A1045            961206 10:17 - 961206 11:45  GOD telemetry dropouts
A1045            961206 11:57 - 961206 12:20  GOD pass canceled
ABELL_1068       961206 12:20 - 961206 13:27  GOD pass canceled
ABELL_1068       961207 08:41 - 961207 10:00  GOD no data in CDR
ABELL_1068       961207 10:12 - 961207 11:00  GOD no data in CDR
3C_254           961207 11:00 - 961207 11:41  GOD no data in CDR
3C_254           961207 11:53 - 961207 13:20  GOD no data in CDR
4C06.41_1        961213 19:30 - 961213 22:20  MAD poor telemetry
LEO-I_CENTER     961218 06:02 - 961218 09:05  GOD pass not supported
NGC4258_3        961218 10:40 - 961218 12:10  MAD KSC trouble
NGC4104_GRP_2    961220 13:55 - 961220 14:20  MAD poor telemetry
PG_0043+039      961221 15:25 - 961221 15:50  SAN poor telemetry
RHS61_2          961222 11:25 - 961222 13:25  SAN poor telemetry
VV697_2          961222 23:20 - 961223 00:10  WAL poor telemetry
VV697_2          961223 04:00 - 961223 05:25  GOD Antenna trouble
HR_5235		 961229 23:05 - 961229 23:55  GOD poor telemetry
HR_5235          961230 20:49 - 961230 23:35  CAN station error
HR_5235          961231 01:33 - 961231 09:25  << BDR STOP >>
HR_5235          970101 01:27 - 970101 12:10  << BDR STOP >>
HR_5235          970102 01:33 - 970102 02:00  MAD poor telemetry
HR_5235          970103 02:54 - 970103 09:51  << BDR STOP >>
PG1309+355	 970106 18:35 - 970106 19:00  WAL poor telemetry
PG1309+355       970107 13:45 - 970107 14:17  CAN poor telemetry
PG1309+355       970107 18:32 - 970107 19:00  WAL poor telemetry
MS1333.3+1725    970109 05:40 - 970109 10:00  CAN pass missed
CL0107+31        970111 17:10 - 970111 18:05  GOD poor telemetry
CL0107+31        970111 21:27 - 970112 10:10  CAN pass not supported
CL0107+31        970113 08:59 - 970113 10:28  CAN pass not supported
CL0107+31        970113 15:35 - 970113 16:03  GOD poor telemetry
CL0107+31        970113 16:15 - 970113 17:05  GOD poor telemetry
RX_1238-38       970114 22:30 - 970115 01:25  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_5347         970117 11:25 - 970117 11:53  CAN poor telemetry
NGC_5347         970117 12:05 - 970117 14:04  GOD pass canceled for STS
NGC_5347         970117 14:16 - 970117 15:45  GOD pass canceled for STS
GB_1428+4217     970118 01:40 - 970118 02:35  MAD poor telemetry
A2197_B          970122 08:20 - 970122 10:15  GOD pass deleted
PG1444+407       970126 11:15 - 970126 11:40  GOD poor telemetry
ABELL_2107       970126 21:40 - 970126 23:10  MAD poor telemetry
A3571_2          970201 20:16 - 970201 21:00  WAL poor telemetry 
1352-2242        970202 08:40 - 970202 09:30  GOD poor telemetry
1352-2242        970202 09:42 - 970202 13:15  SAN poor telemetry
1352-2242	 970202 17:25 - 970202 17:50  SAN poor telemetry
MS_0205.7+3509   970206 01:20 - 970206 02:10  GOD masking pass
3C321            970208 06:10 - 970208 07:05  GOD poor telemetry
2S0114+650       970210 05:44 - 970210 06:30  GOD masking pass   
CTA1_-_SOUTH     970211 14:26 - 970211 15:05  MAD poor telemetry
CTA1_-_SOUTH     970212 02:13 - 970212 03:30  GOD pass deleted
IC_348           970212 13:30 - 970212 14:10  SAN poor telemetry
IC_348	         979212 16:29 - 970212 18:41  CAN pass canceled
IC_348           970212 18:53 - 970212 20:05  CAN pass canceled
PERS_NTH_2       970215 00:10 - 970215 01:48  GOD poor telemetry
HERC_X-1_1       970216 01:55 - 970216 03:10  GOD late lock
RCW_86_FRONT     970218 19:58 - 970218 20:25  WAL poor telemetry
ABELL2255_P2     970222 07:50 - 970222 09:45  CAN late lock
ABELL2255_P2     970222 11:15 - 970222 12:00  CAN late lock
MS1621.5+2640    970224 07:40 - 970224 08:35  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_6355         970228 19:40 - 970228 20:40  GOD poor telemetry
RHO_OPH_CORE     970304 03:40 - 970304 04:40  CAN poor telemetry
NGC6334          970305 03:35 - 970305 04:50  MAD poor telemetry
G359.1+0.9       970308 06:05 - 970308 06:35  CAN poor telemetry
X0921-630_3      970308 20:15 - 970308 20:55  SAN poor telemetry
MONOCEROS	 970310 04:25 - 970310 04:50  MAD poor telemetry
SIGMA_CRB        970312 01:20 - 970312 02:05  MAD Disk problem
SIGMA_CRB        970312 23:35 - 970313 01:30  MAD pass canceled
SIGMA_CRB        970313 10:39 - 970313 13:35  GOD pass canceled
GEMINGA_NEB_1	 970315 04:00 - 970315 04:25  MAD poor telemetry
GEMINGA_NEB_2    970316 04:10 - 970316 04:40  WAL poor telemetry
SGRA_2           970318 11:05 - 970318 11:30  GOD poor telemetry
G359.1-0.2       970322 06:36 - 970322 07:20  GOD pass lost
G359.1-0.2       970322 10:45 - 970322 11:10  GOD TLM out of lock
G347.5-0.5_SE    970325 03:00 - 970325 03:35  GOD AOS did not lock
NGC2146          970326 04:10 - 970326 05:55  GOD poor telemetry
IRAS18325-5926   970330 05:15 - 970330 05:37  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_9_6    970404 00:33 - 970404 01:18  GOD poor telemetry
GRB970402        970405 16:14 - 970405 17:15  MAD swapped TGC
G7.7-3.7         970407 19:10 - 970407 19:30  WAL ANTENNA trouble
G7.7-3.7         970407 19:58 - 970407 20:30  WAL ANTENNA trouble
GAL_RIDGE_7_4    970409 22:24 - 970409 23:25  GOD late lock 
GAL_RIDGE_7_5    970410 09:35 - 970410 10:10  MAD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_7_9    970411 17:11 - 970411 18:40  WAL recorder failed
SERPENS          970414 20:09 - 970414 21:10  GOD TGC problems
SERPENS          970416 10:55 - 970416 11:40  CAN poor telemetry
NGC_2639         970417 06:35 - 970417 06:55  CAN poor telemetry
VELA_SHRAP_E     970419 18:15 - 970419 19:34  GOD poor telemetry
VELA_SHRAP_E     970420 13:08 - 970420 14:50  WAL data on at AOS
STEP_POINT       970420 14:50 - 970420 15:00  WAL data on at AOS
GAL_RIDGE_11_1   970420 15:00 - 970420 15:12  WAL data on at AOS
GAL_RIDGE_11_4   970421 17:57 - 970421 18:10  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_11_5   970421 18:10 - 970421 18:25  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_11_6   970422 03:40 - 970422 04:45  MAD poor telemetry
OJ287_1          970427 14:16 - 970427 15:37  GOD not scheduled
OJ287_1          970427 15:48 - 970427 17:10  GOD not scheduled
NGC_7099         970428 23:45 - 970429 00:45  WAL poor telemetry
LOCKMAN_HOLE_1   970429 23:40 - 970430 00:45  MAD poor telemetry
LOCKMAN_HOLE_2   970430 23:35 - 970501 00:35  MAD poor telemetry
LOCKMAN_HOLE_2   970501 10:35 - 970501 11:20  WAL poor telemetry
HD_197890        970504 22:20 - 970504 23:03  MAD poor telemetry
YY_DRA           970506 12:45 - 970506 15:12  SAN poor telemetry
YY_DRA           970507 02:05 - 970507 04:32  WAL poor telemetry
VELA_SHRAP_B1    970510 10:40 - 970510 11:05  GOD poor telemetry
VELA_SHRAP_B1    970511 06:55 - 970511 07:20  SAN poor telemetry
0543-68.9        970511 09:40 - 970511 10:00  SAN poor telemetry 
0543-68.9        970511 10:48 - 970511 11:28  SAN poor telemetry
2EG_J2020+4026A  970516 01:01 - 970516 01:35  WAL antenna out of limits
RXJ2253-3343_A   970519 14:25 - 970519 18:01  MAD pass canceled
RXJ2253-3343_A   970519 18:13 - 970519 19:25  MAD pass canceled
AG_DRA           970522 16:18 - 970522 17:45  MAD no data
NGC_3377         970524 01:54 - 970524 02:15  GOD poor telemetry
NGC_3377         970525 00:17 - 970525 03:18  GOD pass canceled for STS
NGC_3377         970525 03:30 - 970525 04:50  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_3377         970526 00:13 - 970526 00:50  GOD the missed pass
PRG38            970527 08:00 - 970527 09:50  CAN unable to auto track
PRG38            970527 10:10 - 970527 11:13  CAN unable to auto track
VELA_SHRAP_B2    970531 21:54 - 970531 23:15  << BDR STOP >>
VELA_SHRAP_B2    970531 23:15 - 970531 23:50  MAD poor telemetry
MCG-2-58-22	 970602 07:30 - 970602 07:55  MAD poor telemetry
IRAS_12393+352   970604 19:05 - 970604 19:40  GOD poor telemetry
IRAS_12393+352   970604 22:50 - 970605 00:20  KSC missed pass
PRG34_A3444      970605 04:00 - 970605 05:25  KSC missed pass
PRG34_A3444      970605 10:52 - 970605 11:35  WAL poor telemetry
PRG34_A3444      970605 16:27 - 970605 17:56  GOD pass canceled
PRG34_A3444      970605 18:09 - 970605 19:37  GOD data not in CDR
PRG34_A3444      970605 19:50 - 970605 21:15  GOD data not in CDR
IRAS_110548-11   970606 14:51 - 970606 16:21  WAL data lost
                 970607 23:21 - 970608 00:30  MAD poor telemetry
HB21-POS_2       970610 14:50 - 970610 15:51  GOD poor telemetry
HB21-POS_2       970610 16:03 - 970610 16:40  GOD poor telemetry
W63-_POS_1       970611 17:42 - 970611 19:05  GOD degraded telemetry
A2537            970614 01:35 - 970614 02:20  MAD poor telemetry
GRB970617        970620 10:23 - 970620 11:40  GOD pass canceled
NGC4501          970622 20:30 - 970622 21:45  MAD poor telemetry
NGC4756_GROUP    970625 08:18 - 970625 08:55  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
TW_HYA           970626 19:30 - 970626 20:05  MAD poor telemetry
A1885            970627 15:45 - 970628 00:26  CAN pass canceled KSC typhoon 
A1885            970628 00:38 - 970628 02:08  CAN pass canceled KSC typhoon 
A1885            970628 02:19 - 970628 03:50  CAN pass canceled KSC typhoon 
A1885            970628 04:00 - 970628 06:11  WAL pass canceled KSC typhoon 
A1885            970628 06:23 - 970628 07:52  WAL pass canceled KSC typhoon  
A1885            970628 08:03 - 970628 09:24  GOD pass canceled KSC typhoon 
A1885            970628 09:36 - 970628 10:20  KSC pass canceled KSC typhoon 
IC_1481          970628 10:20 - 970628 12:20  KSC pass canceled KSC typhoon 
IC_1481          970629 07:58 - 970629 09:05  GOD poor telemetry
ETA_CARINAE_1    970703 15:35 - 970703 16:50  WAL dump on at AOS
ABELL_1732       970707 13:35 - 970707 15:50  WAL poor telemetry
RX_J_0148-27     970713 03:19 - 970713 04:40  MAD poor telemetry
0040+0034        970713 04:40 - 970713 05:50  MAD poor telemetry
IRAS01428-0404   970715 07:50 - 970715 08:15  CAN poor telemetry
PHL_1092         970716 13:55 - 970716 14:30  CAN poor telemetry
PHL_1092         970717 09:20 - 970717 09:50  WAL poor telemetry
NGC_4593_2       970720 04:38 - 970720 08:39  << BDR STOP >>
NGC404_1         970721 14:59 - 970721 18:10  WAL pass canceled
NGC404_1         970721 18:22 - 970721 19:45  WAL pass canceled
CL0107+31_S1     970722 12:50 - 970722 13:20  CAN poor telemetry
5C12_235         970722 20:05 - 970722 21:18  GOD poor telemetry
A267             970726 14:35 - 970726 15:00  WAL poor telemetry
A267             970726 22:35 - 970726 22:50  SAN poor telemetry
NGC404_2         970726 23:12 - 970727 10:15  CAN pass canceled
NGC404_2         970727 10:26 - 970727 11:30  CAN pass canceled
FIELD_1          970728 07:58 - 970728 10:11  CAN pass canceled
FIELD_1          970728 10:22 - 970728 11:15  CAN pass canceled
CAS_A_c1v        970730 11:10 - 970730 11:43  CAN poor telemetry
NGC_5419         970802 14:02 - 970802 14:20  GOD poor telemetry
A2033            970802 14:20 - 970802 14:40  GOD poor telemetry
A2033            970803 05:20 - 970803 06:05  CAN ANT drifted off point
A2033            970803 08:54 - 970803 10:10  WAL pass deleted
A2033            970803 15:29 - 970803 16:40  GOD not Lock on
MCG-6-30-15_1    970804 01:10 - 970804 03:15  MAD NO DATA
MCG-6-30-15_1    970805 03:30 - 970805 04:45  WAL VERY NOISY AND DROPOUT
MCG-6-30-15_1    970805 05:00 - 970805 05:50  WAL VERY NOISY AND DROPOUT
MCG-6-30-15_1    970805 06:05 - 970805 06:25  WAL VERY NOISY AND DROPOUT
MCG-6-30-15_2    970808 06:49 - 970808 07:25  GOD poor telemetry
MCG-6-30-15_2    970808 08:40 - 970808 09:00  WAL poor telemetry
MCG-6-30-15_2    970809 21:20 - 970809 23:55  MAD late TLM Lock
III_ZW_77        970812 09:41 - 970812 10:00  GOD NO DATA IN CDR
4C+73.18         970812 10:00 - 970812 12:20  GOD NO DATA IN CDR
IC4329A_3        970813 06:24 - 970813 07:45  GOD pass canceled
IC4329A_4        970816 06:10 - 970816 06:40  GOD ANT trouble
FORNAX_A_WEST    970818 05:49 - 970818 06:15  GOD ANT trouble
HR_764           970825 17:50 - 970825 18:25  WAL low AGC and low Elevation
HR_764           970825 18:55 - 970825 19:25  WAL low AGC and low Elevation
PKS420-01        970831 14:30 - 970831 15:00  WAL poor telemetry
AK_HER           970902 01:20 - 970902 02:25  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_10_1   970902 11:35 - 970902 11:55  CAN poor telemetry
ESO_138-G1       970906 21:20 - 970907 00:33  << BDR STOP >>
PKS_0405-385_2   970908 05:30 - 970908 06:30  MAD poor telemetry
G_312.4-0.4      970909 17:25 - 970909 17:45  WAL poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_8_3    970910 16:16 - 970910 17:15  WAL pass canceled
X_1658-298       970915 03:10 - 970915 09:30  CAN no data from TGC
AGPS267.3-27.4   970915 20:10 - 970916 01:05  KSC KSC typhoon
AGPS267.3-27.4   970916 01:15 - 970916 02:52  KSC KSC typhoon
AGPS267.3-27.4   970916 03:05 - 970916 09:51  CAN pass canceled KSC typhoon
AGPS267.3-27.4   970916 10:01 - 970916 12:15  WAL pass canceled KSC typhoon
AGPS267.3-27.4   970916 12:24 - 970916 13:55  WAL pass canceled KSC typhoon
AGPS267.3-27.4   970916 14:05 - 970916 15:36  WAL pass canceled KSC typhoon
AGPS267.3-27.4   970916 15:45 - 970916 20:00  KSC pass canceled KSC typhoon
OAO_1657-415     970917 14:01 - 970917 15:05  WAL pass deleted for STS
LHS_27           970921 13:40 - 970921 15:15  GOD pass deleted for STS
GRS_1739-278     970929 23:43 - 970930 00:15  MAD poor telemetry
GRS_1739-278     970930 01:25 - 970930 02:45  MAD ANTENNA trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      970930 14:05 - 970930 15:32  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      970930 15:45 - 970930 17:14  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      970930 17:26 - 970930 18:55  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      970930 19:07 - 970930 20:37  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      970930 21:47 - 971001 01:10  MAD pass canceled KSC ANT trouble  
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 01:19 - 971001 02:51  MAD pass canceled KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 03:00 - 971001 04:15  WAL pass canceled KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 04:25 - 971001 05:56  WAL pass canceled KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 06:07 - 971001 07:27  GOD pass canceled KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 07:37 - 971001 09:09  GOD pass canceled KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 09:19 - 971001 12:05  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 12:17 - 971001 13:46  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 13:58 - 971001 15:27  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 15:40 - 971001 17:09  KSC KSC ANT trouble
TRAPEZIUM_2      971001 17:21 - 971001 18:50  KSC KSC ANT trouble
NGC_6744         971005 07:19 - 971005 08:15  GOD ANT MASKING
NGC_6744         971006 02:21 - 971006 03:10  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_9_3    971010 14:55 - 971010 15:45  SAN poor telemetry
RX1838.4-0301    971014 16:55 - 971014 17:59  CAN poor telemetry
RX1838.4-0301    971014 18:09 - 971014 19:20  CAN TGC failure
G189.6+3.3_EAST  971016 03:55 - 971016 04:18  GOD poor telemetry
SGR1900+14       971023 19:47 - 971023 22:45  GOD not supported
-----------	 971025 21:08 - 971026 03:10  MAD NO DATA
PKS1937-101      971028 14:18 - 971028 14:45  WAL MOD on AOS
NGC2300_GP_2     971101 13:58 - 971101 16:00  MAD auto track failure
OI_287           971101 16:00 - 971102 03:10  MAD auto track failure
OI_287           971102 15:34 - 971102 16:10  WAL DUMP ON AT AOS
A665             971102 18:50 - 971102 19:55  GOD poor telemetry
A665             971103 10:00 - 971103 10:25  CAN poor telemetry
PG0804+761       971105 02:40 - 971105 03:45  MAD poor telemetry
RIDGE_EDGE2      971106 05:22 - 971106 06:00  MAD TGC failure
RIDGE_EDGE3      971106 06:00 - 971106 06:30  MAD TGC failure
SN1987A          971108 17:50 - 971108 18:30  SAN BAD DATA
E0806+2033       971111 10:00 - 971111 10:45  WAL poor telemetry
MS2053.7-0449    971112 03:45 - 971112 04:40  MAD poor telemetry
NGC362           971115 11:15 - 971115 11:45  GOD data error 
PSR_B1937+21     971116 13:45 - 971116 14:55  SAN poor telemetry
PSR_B1937+21     971116 19:36 - 971117 00:25  MAD pass canceled
MRK_34           971117 08:05 - 971117 08:40  WAL ANT masking 
MRK_34           971117 20:40 - 971117 23:10  MAD poor telemetry
OJ287_2          971118 11:05 - 971118 11:35  GOD not Lock on
G69.7+1.0_2      971120 18:30 - 971120 19:00  WAL poor telemetry
TXFS2226-184     971122 18:20 - 971122 21:01  MAD NO PASS
TXFS2226-184     971122 21:11 - 971123 00:05  MAD NO PASS
NGC_3895_NGC_3   971123 13:56 - 971123 17:05  SAN no data
LEO_I_DWARE      971125 11:20 - 971125 12:40  KSC cannot supported
LEO_I_DWARE      971125 16:25 - 971125 19:35  MAD not Lock on
IC_1481          971128 20:40 - 971128 21:00  MAD late AOS
Q2217-1759       971129 18:55 - 971129 19:26  CAN poor telemetry
Q2217-1759       971129 19:36 - 971129 20:00  WAL DUMP ON AT AOS
SCULPTOR_P3      971203 14:44 - 971203 16:30  CAN poor telemetry
C_HALE_BOPP_6    971205 23:25 - 971206 00:05  WAL DUMP MODULATION ON AT AOS
NGC4111_1        971207 19:35 - 971207 20:15  GOD data error
A133             971209 15:22 - 971209 16:50  WAL pass canceled
CLUSTER_LINK     971213 19:15 - 971213 20:15  << BDR STOP >>
NGC4192_1        971217 06:35 - 971217 09:05  CAN poor telemetry
NGC4192_1        971217 10:30 - 971217 12:05  CAN poor telemetry
NGC_4639_1       971218 12:05 - 971218 12:42  CAN poor telemetry
NGC_4639_1       971218 13:00 - 971218 14:45  WAL poor telemetry
SN1979C_NGC432   971219 05:50 - 971219 08:05  CAN poor telemetry
R1205+22         971220 16:46 - 971220 19:49  GOD data outage
R1205+22         971220 19:59 - 971220 20:20  MAD poor telemetry
MKN_1152         971222 16:35 - 971222 17:45  GOD poor telemetry
NGC_4192_2       971223 13:08 - 971223 16:15  WAL pass canceled
FORNAX_A_WEST_2  971227 01:45 - 971227 04:25  MAD ANTENNA RED
FORNAX_A_WEST_2  971227 04:36 - 971227 06:05  MAD ANTENNA RED
FORNAX_A_WEST_2  971227 06:17 - 971227 07:35  MAD ANTENNA RED
FORNAX_A_WEST_2  971228 06:11 - 971228 06:35  WAL dump on at AOS
N1038            971229 20:15 - 971229 20:35  WAL poor telemetry
N1038            971230 20:05 - 971230 20:35  WAL poor telemetry
N1038            971231 16:40 - 971231 17:25  SAN DROPS AT AOS
N1038            971231 17:39 - 971231 19:05  SAN pass canceled
N1038            971231 19:20 - 971231 20:47  SAN pass canceled
N1038            971231 21:01 - 980101 01:10  MAD NO DATA
N1038            980102 19:50 - 980102 20:10  SAN poor telemetry
N1038            980103 13:38 - 980103 17:07  SAN pass cancel
N1038            980103 17:19 - 980103 20:29  SAN pass cancel
N1038            980103 20:42 - 980103 21:35  SAN pass cancel
RXJ0138.0-2156   980104 19:55 - 980105 00:10  MAD poor telemetry  
RXJ0138.0-2156   980105 08:35 - 980105 09:10  WAL dump on at AOS
RXJ0138.0-2156   980105 21:30 - 980105 23:40  MAD poor telemetry
CFRS1415+5       980105 23:40 - 980106 00:09  MAD poor telemetry
CFRS1415+5       980106 00:19 - 980106 02:05  CAN poor telemetry
CFRS1415+5       980106 19:45 - 980106 23:08  CAN pass cancel
CFRS1415+5       980106 23:17 - 980107 00:47  CAN pass cancel
CFRS1415+5       980107 19:35 - 980107 22:10  MAD pass cancel
AY-CETI          980107 22:10 - 980107 23:59  MAD pass cancel
AY-CETI          980108 00:09 - 980108 01:30  MAD pass cancel
AY-CETI          980108 16:10 - 980108 17:35  KSC KSC cancel
AY-CETI          980108 19:30 - 980108 20:00  MAD poor telemetry
AY-CETI          980109 06:32 - 980109 07:10  WAL dump on at AOS
RGB_J0044+193    980109 19:25 - 980110 01:28  MAD no data
H1400_10         980112 17:30 - 980112 18:30  WAL poor telemetry
HCG62_3          980115 16:07 - 980115 16:40  SAN poor telemetry
SN1995N_1        980118 05:50 - 980118 06:50  GOD poor telemetry
SN1995N_1        980118 16:00 - 980118 16:50  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
BJS864           980120 12:20 - 980120 12:35  SAN degraded data
GEV_1025-5803    980120 12:35 - 980120 12:50  SAN degraded data
CEP_A            980123 10:20 - 980123 10:40  WAL dump on at AOS
EI_ERI           980128 20:05 - 980128 20:25  GOD poor telemetry
EI_ERI           980130 20:35 - 980130 21:15  GOD poor telemetry
EI_ERI           980201 18:03 - 980201 19:00  GOD no data
CEN_CLUS_2       980203 18:02 - 980203 18:25  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
CEN_CLUS_5       980205 03:30 - 980205 04:10  WAL dump on at AOS
RXJ0454.8-1806   980207 18:40 - 980207 19:00  GOD poor telemetry
RXJ0454.8-1806   980207 19:12 - 980207 21:25  MAD poor telemetry
RX_J1532.9+302   980209 03:10 - 980209 04:15  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
AO_0235+164      980211 15:36 - 980211 16:15  GOD poor telemetry
AO_0235+164      980211 16:30 - 980211 17:10  GOD poor telemetry
3C120            980213 00:00 - 980213 01:05  WAL dump on at AOS
3C120            980213 23:20 - 980213 23:40  MAD poor telemetry
3C120            980215 10:11 - 980215 11:41  WAL pass cancel
3C120            980215 11:52 - 980215 12:13  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
IRAS04154        980215 23:05 - 980216 00:05  MAD poor telemetry
IRAS04154        980216 14:59 - 980216 15:45  GOD poor telemetry
V1062_TAU        980217 11:40 - 980217 12:15  WAL poor telemetry
ARP_102B         980219 17:30 - 980219 19:10  KSC KSC typhoon
ARP_102B         980220 06:21 - 980220 07:45  WAL ANT trouble
ABELL_2187       980221 09:00 - 980221 09:25  WAL poor telemetry
L1582B           980222 18:40 - 980222 19:37  SAN poor telemetry
L1582B           980222 19:50 - 980222 23:27  MAD no data
L1582B           980222 23:36 - 980223 02:25  MAD no data
GAL_RIDGE_12_1   980224 05:25 - 980224 05:47  WAL poor telemetry 
ALGOL_1          980225 05:52 - 980225 06:50  WAL dump on at AOS
4U_1630-472      980226 18:45 - 980226 21:00  MAD no data
GAL_RIDGE_12_4   980226 21:00 - 980226 21:23  MAD no data
ALGOL_2          980228 03:56 - 980228 04:40  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
HH212            980301 07:11 - 980301 07:55  GOD poor telemetry
HH91             980301 20:45 - 980301 21:25  GOD poor telemetry
G311.5-0.3       980302 16:40 - 980302 19:35  WAL poor telemetry 
CIRCINUS_X-1     980303 16:35 - 980303 21:15  CAN no data
CIRCINUS_X-1     980304 16:30 - 980304 18:10  CAN poor telemetry
RXJ1720.1+2638   980309 02:30 - 980309 02:50  WAL dump on at AOS
GAL_RIDGE_14_5   980311 00:40 - 980311 01:00  WAL data error
GAL_RIDGE_14_5   980311 01:12 - 980311 01:32  WAL dump modulation on at AOS
AGPS267.3_S1     980314 05:23 - 980314 06:51  KSC ANT trouble
AGPS267.3_S1     980314 07:04 - 980314 08:34  KSC ANT trouble
AGPS267.3_S1     980314 08:46 - 980314 10:15  KSC ANT trouble
AGPS267.3_S1     980314 10:27 - 980314 12:42  SAN ANT trouble
AGPS267.3_S1     980314 12:52 - 980314 16:30  WAL ANT trouble
AGPS267.3_S1     980314 16:30 - 980314 19:35  WAL ANT trouble
CIR_X-1-5        980314 19:46 - 980314 21:15  WAL ANT trouble
CIR_X-1-5        980314 21:27 - 980314 22:56  WAL ANT trouble
CIR_X-1-5        980314 23:08 - 980315 03:51  GOD ANT trouble
CIR_X-1-5        980315 04:01 - 980315 05:30  WAL ANT trouble
G349.7+0.2       980315 05:30 - 980315 17:49  WAL ANT trouble
G349.7+0.2       980315 17:58 - 980315 19:29  WAL ANT trouble
G349.7+0.2       980315 19:40 - 980315 21:10  WAL ANT trouble
G349.7+0.2       980315 21:21 - 980315 22:51  WAL ANT trouble
G349.7+0.2       980315 23:02 - 980316 03:19  CAN ANT trouble
3CR184_CLUS      980319 06:40 - 980319 07:10  WAL MODULATION ON AT AOS
CV_SER_PHI0.25   980321 06:25 - 980321 07:25  MAD poor telemetry
PSR_B1800-21     980321 22:16 - 980321 23:30  MAD poor telemetry
PSR_B1800-21     980322 12:31 - 980322 13:10  MAD poor telemetry
PSR_B1800-21     980322 18:50 - 980322 19:40  WAL dump on at AOS
PSR_B1800-21     980322 23:20 - 980322 23:40  GOD poor telemetry
PSR_J1744-1134   980324 04:30 - 980324 07:30  CAN poor telemetry
STEP_POINT       980724 07:30 - 980730 07:40  CAN poor telemetry
29_DR_DRA_1      980324 07:40 - 980324 08:55  CAN poor telemetry
PG_1700+518      980325 04:20 - 980325 08:35  CAN poor telemetry
CV_SER_PHI0.5    980325 17:01 - 980325 17:25  WAL poor telemetry
1E_1841-045      980328 16:44 - 980328 17:30  SAN low elevation pass 8 deg
PSR_B1823-13     980330 03:50 - 980330 04:40  MAD poor telemetry
G25_SH_1         980401 02:00 - 980401 02:50  MAD poor telemetry
G25_SH_1         980401 12:59 - 980401 13:35  WAL poor telemetry
SS_433           980402 01:50 - 980402 04:20  MAD not supported
29_DR_DRA_2      980404 12:41 - 980404 13:20  WAL due to masking
GRS1915+105_2    980404 17:43 - 980404 18:31  MAD << BDR STOP >>
GRS1915+105_2    980404 19:04 - 980404 20:07  MAD << BDR STOP >>
GRS1915+105_2    980404 20:32 - 980404 21:43  MAD << BDR STOP >>
GRS1915+105_2    980404 22:08 - 980404 23:19  MAD << BDR STOP >>
GRS1915+105_2    980404 23:44 - 980405 00:53  MAD << BDR STOP >>
GRS1915+105_2    980405 01:19 - 980405 02:29  MAD << BDR STOP >>
PG_0844+349      980405 12:36 - 980405 13:15  WAL due to masking at AOS
GAL_RIDGE_15_3   980407 05:45 - 980407 06:45  WAL due to AGC roll off
GAL_RIDGE_15_3   980407 11:00 - 980407 11:10  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_15_4   980407 11:10 - 980407 11:45  GOD poor telemetry
GAL_RIDGE_15_6   980408 04:10 - 980408 05:05  MAD poor telemetry
SN1993J          980410 21:40 - 980411 00:10  MAD no data
NGC_3516         980413 19:45 - 980413 21:20  SAN poor telemetry
NGC_3516         980414 19:35 - 980414 21:10  MAD poor telemetry
NGC_3516         980415 01:44 - 980415 02:05  WAL poor telemetry
NGC_3516         980415 19:25 - 980415 21:00  MAD poor telemetry
0DEG.-11.5DEG    980417 19:15 - 980417 21:20  MAD no data
0DEG.-17.5DEG    980419 16:50 - 980419 17:20  MAD poor telemetry
A851             980420 16:30 - 980420 18:40  MAD poor telemetry
2EG_J1835+5919   980422 08:35 - 980422 10:05  KSC no data
G_70.7+1.2_1     980422 15:20 - 980422 17:36  SAN ANT trouble
G_70.7+1.2_1     980422 17:46 - 980422 18:20  MAD poor telemetry
LBQS2111-4335    980423 15:15 - 980423 16:15  MAD poor telemetry
MKN421           980425 20:50 - 980425 21:20  WAL MODULATION ON AT AOS
MKN421           980427 13:10 - 980427 14:05  SAN poor telemetry
MKN421           980429 20:33 - 980429 22:00  WAL poor telemetry
1430             980503 03:03 - 980503 10:50  WAL << BDR STOP >>
1430             980504 10:45 - 980504 13:10  CAN not scheduled
MRK_142		 980504 13:10 - 980504 17:28  CAN not scheduled
MRK_142		 980504 21:43 - 980504 23:10  WAL pass canceled
PSR_B1957+20     980507 08:45 - 980507 13:00  CAN not supported
CYGNUS_LOOP_P    980508 05:07 - 980508 09:34  WAL << BDR STOP >>
CYGNUS_LOOP_P    980508 17:56 - 980508 19:20  WAL ANT trouble
CYGNUS_LOOP_P    980508 19:37 - 980508 21:05  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
CYGNUS_LOOP_P    980509 05:10 - 980509 06:30  KSC KSC trouble
PSR_J2124-3358   980509 08:30 - 980509 11:10  CAN no data
PSR_J2124-335    980509 19:30 - 980509 20:05  WAL dump on at AOS
IRASF09039+050   980510 23:55 - 980511 03:00  KSC KSC trouble
H0707-495        980516 19:45 - 980516 21:50  SAN no data
MCG_11-19-005    980523 15:35 - 980523 16:55  SAN due to bad signal quality
MCG_11-19-005    980523 17:35 - 980523 18:15  SAN due to bad signal quality
IRAS00198        980530 08:15 - 980530 08:40  WAL degraded data due to masking
IRAS00198        980531 17:21 - 980531 18:30  SAN due to poor driving
CENT_3           980604 19:35 - 980604 20:10  MAD poor telemetry
CENT_4           980606 17:40 - 980606 19:10  SAN no data
CENT_4           980606 22:05 - 980606 22:42  CAN poor telemetry
CENT_4           980606 22:54 - 980606 23:20  MAD poor telemetry
VIRGO_SOUTH_11   980618 13:00 - 980618 14:05  CAN poor telemetry
VIRGO_SOUTH_16   980619 22:11 - 980619 23:31  GOD no data
VIRGO_SOUTH_16   980619 23:43 - 980620 01:11  GOD no data
3C273            980625 23:16 - 980626 00:24  CAN << BDR STOP >>
3C273            980626 02:40 - 980626 03:34  CAN << BDR STOP >>
QSO_0130-4124    980629 06:45 - 980629 10:50  CAN not supported
QSO_0130-4124    980629 19:24 - 980630 00:00  CAN not supported
QSO_0059-304A    980630 00:00 - 980630 09:10  CAN not supported
NGC5548_3        980701 06:35 - 980701 11:15  CAN not scheduled
NGC7679_NGC768   980701 17:31 - 980702 09:05  MAD not scheduled
NGC7679_NGC768   980702 09:15 - 980702 10:40  MAD not scheduled
NGC7679_NGC768   980702 11:00 - 980702 11:25  WAL solid lock of the S/C at AOS
NGC7679_NGC768   980703 15:37 - 980703 16:15  WAL Recorder started 30secs late
NGC7679_NGC768   980703 17:17 - 980703 17:50  MAD poor telemetry
NGC3923_1        980704 04:35 - 980704 07:28  MAD << BDR STOP >>
NGC3923_1        980705 07:14 - 980705 09:00  CAN not scheduled
NGC_7618         980708 06:10 - 980708 06:50  CAN poor telemetry
0043+008         980709 02:15 - 980709 02:55  CAN poor telemetry
NGC_3923_2       980712 00:15 - 980712 05:05  CAN ANT trouble
NGC_3923_2       980712 15:27 - 980712 21:02  WAL << BDR STOP >>
ETA_CAR_POST     980716 15:20 - 980716 16:45  KSC KSC trouble
0226-104         980718 08:00 - 980718 08:25  WAL SEVERE D/L AGC Fluctuations
A2199_1          980721 08:34 - 980721 09:28  GOD poor telemetry
A2199_1          980721 12:25 - 980721 12:45  MAD poor telemetry
CAS_A_c1h        980729 04:17 - 980729 05:35  GOD poor telemetry
S49-140          980802 14:20 - 980802 15:05  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
MS1910+6736      980808 23:39 - 980809 00:45  GOD TGC5 at AOS
MS1910+6736      980809 02:43 - 980809 07:01  WAL << BDR STOP >>
LUP5E            980817 19:24 - 980817 23:54  WAL << BDR STOP >>
FAIRALL_303      980818 17:30 - 980818 18:05  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
4U_1636-536      980820 04:35 - 980820 04:55  WAL dump on at AOS
4U_0142+61       980821 12:06 - 980821 12:50  WAL ANT trouble
3C109            980822 23:26 - 980823 05:17  WAL << BDR STOP >>
UX_ARI           980823 23:05 - 980824 02:00  KSC KSC trouble
G337.3+1.0       980828 09:36 - 980828 10:50  WAL HURRICANE
IRAS_13036-764   980830 15:21 - 980830 23:50  WAL << BDR STOP >>
GC_REG_1_3       980903 21:45 - 980903 22:10  MAD poor telemetry
L1157            980905 19:30 - 980905 20:00  SAN DROPS at LOS
GC_REG_1_8       980906 21:20 - 980907 01:20  MAD pass canceled
GC_REG_1_9       980907 01:20 - 980907 01:35  MAD pass canceled
GC_REG_2_3       980908 19:30 - 980908 20:28  MAD poor telemetry
UN_SNR.5+1.0_1   980909 06:28 - 980909 07:05  WAL -3.5deg ANGLE BIAS
UN_SNR.5+1.0_2   980909 19:20 - 980909 23:15  MAD no data
UN_SNR.5+1.0_2   980910 01:34 - 980910 02:00  MAD poor telemetry
UN_SNR.5+1.0_2   980910 05:35 - 980910 06:09  WAL ANT trouble
UN_SNR.5+1.0_2   980910 06:21 - 980910 06:45  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
UN_SNR.75+1.5_1  980911 19:51 - 980911 20:15  MAD poor telemetry
RXJ1833.6_2      980921 14:35 - 980921 15:04  SAN poor telemetry
RXJ1833.6_2      980922 03:01 - 980922 04:30  GOD not scheduled
RXJ1833.6_2      980922 04:40 - 980922 05:10  KSC KSC trouble
A548             980927 15:20 - 980927 15:50  WAL SEVERE AGC SWINGS
A548             980927 16:45 - 980927 17:25  WAL SEVERE AGC SWINGS
A548             980927 22:10 - 980927 22:35  WAL AGC very poor
A548             980928 10:15 - 980928 11:30  CAN poor telemetry
1H1752+081       980928 11:30 - 980928 11:55  CAN poor telemetry
NGC_2264         981003 18:55 - 981003 19:25  WAL dump on at AOS
GAL_OFF-PL_1     981005 04:20 - 981005 05:45  KSC KSC trouble
GAL_OFF-PL_1     981005 06:00 - 981005 07:50  CAN not  scheduled
GAL_OFF-PL_2     981005 07:50 - 981005 09:50  CAN not  scheduled
GAL_RIDGE_13_1   981007 05:45 - 981007 07:30  CAN not  scheduled
GAL_RIDGE_13_2   981007 07:30 - 981007 10:20  CAN not  scheduled
GAL_RIDGE_13_3   981007 16:43 - 981007 17:05  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
GAL_RIDGE_13_5   981008 05:35 - 981008 10:15  CAN not  scheduled
GEV_1907+0556    981010 03:40 - 981010 04:35  CAN pass canceled
GEV_1907+0556    981010 04:35 - 981010 10:24  CAN pass canceled
PSR_B0656+14     981011 06:21 - 981011 06:42  MAD poor telemetry
PSR_B0656+14     981012 03:25 - 981012 07:50  CAN not  scheduled
PSR_B0656+14     981014 03:10 - 981014 03:50  CAN poor telemetry
SN1993J          981021 11:45 - 981021 13:00  GOD degraded TLM caused by low 
SH2-71           981025 09:14 - 981025 10:35  GOD no support
SH2_71           981025 10:46 - 981025 11:35  MAD poor telemetry
G_70.7+1.2_2     981026 07:29 - 981026 07:55  WAL dump on at AOS
G_70.7+1.2_2     981026 09:09 - 981026 10:30  GOD no data
0736+017         981027 09:01 - 981027 09:50  GOD Problem Acquiring Time Bias
Z1953            981028 09:10 - 981028 10:05  GOD poor telemetry
IC_2476          981030 18:10 - 981030 19:10  MAD poor telemetry
0923+392         981102 04:15 - 981102 04:52  WAL ANT trouble
V351_PUP_1991    981108 02:21 - 981108 03:05  MAD poor telemetry
M108             981110 00:25 - 981110 00:45  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
CYGNUS_LOOP_S1   981110 19:13 - 981110 19:35  WAL Time Bias Problems
CYGNUS_LOOP_S1   981110 19:40 - 981110 20:30  WAL Time Bias Problems
MRK_1224         981111 11:30 - 981111 15:25  MAD Late AOS Pointing Problems
MRK_1224         981111 15:28 - 981111 16:55  MAD Late AOS Pointing Problems
PG0946+301       981112 11:20 - 981112 16:50  MAD no data
MRK_705          981115 00:56 - 981115 05:17  WAL << BDR STOP >>
1055+5644        981115 21:45 - 981115 22:25  WAL dump on at AOS
1055+5644        981116 09:05 - 981116 12:50  CAN poor telemetry
1055+5644        981116 13:50 - 981116 14:10  CAN poor telemetry
NGC7252          981117 09:00 - 981117 11:25  WAL Bad Acquisition Data
NGC7252          981118 08:50 - 981118 13:35  CAN no data
XTEJ0111.2-7317  981118 19:48 - 981118 20:30  GOD bad time bias
SC2357-610_2     981121 06:45 - 981121 08:15  WAL the block count was low
EXO_1128+69      981122 14:40 - 981122 15:00  CAN poor telemetry
S193             981124 06:20 - 981124 07:50  WAL poor telemetry
SMC_CENTER       981125 06:10 - 981125 06:30  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
1E0657-56        981126 13:39 - 981126 14:20  WAL playback will not fix
LOCKMAN_HOLE     981128 07:20 - 981128 07:55  WAL ANT trouble
A1430_S1         981129 14:55 - 981129 15:55  WAL dump on at AOS
1150+497         981130 07:55 - 981130 08:25  CAN poor telemetry
NGC3507          981201 16:20 - 981201 16:50  KSC ANT trouble
RXJ0516.6-5430   981203 01:40 - 981203 08:40  WAL Late Acquisition
RXJ0516.6-5430   981203 12:35 - 981203 13:10  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
MS1244.2+7114    981203 17:05 - 981203 19:30  KSC KSC trouble
PKS2145+067      981206 12:09 - 981206 12:30  WAL pass canceled
NGC7479          981206 12:30 - 981207 04:45  MAD pass canceled
NGC7714          981208 10:10 - 981208 10:30  WAL poor telemetry
NGC7714          981208 11:50 - 981208 13:11  GOD pass canceled
NGC7743          981209 10:01 - 981209 10:35  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
CFRS1415+52_S1   981210 21:05 - 981210 21:25  MAD poor telemetry
EUVE_J1421+477   981213 23:28 - 981214 01:00  MAD pass deleted
NGC_526A         981216 18:35 - 981216 19:25  MAD poor telemetry
HD9770           981217 18:25 - 981217 19:10  MAD poor telemetry
NGC4579_1        981218 18:50 - 981218 19:30  WAL poor telemetry
NGC4579_1        981218 20:25 - 981218 21:05  WAL poor telemetry
NGC4579_1        981218 22:00 - 981218 22:40  WAL poor telemetry
NGC4579_1        981218 23:35 - 981219 00:15  WAL poor telemetry
NGC4579_1        981219 01:15 - 981219 01:43  WAL poor telemetry
0509-67.5        981225 02:39 - 981225 03:25  WAL dump on at AOS
RX_J0136-31      981230 20:39 - 981230 21:00  MAD poor telemetry
RX_J0136-31      990101 23:40 - 990102 14:50  WAL ANT trouble
CR_BOO           990106 19:33 - 990106 19:53  WAL poor telemetry
A3088            990108 08:15 - 990108 09:35  WAL poor telemetry
PSRJ0437-4715    990109 19:40 - 990110 01:31  WAL << BDR STOP >>
CASSIOPEIA-A     990112 16:57 - 990112 17:35  WAL poor telemetry
NGC3923_S1       990113 06:00 - 990113 08:20  WAL data problem
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 16:20 - 990116 16:54  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 17:49 - 990116 18:35  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 19:24 - 990116 20:15  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 20:59 - 990116 21:54  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990116 23:29 - 990117 00:14  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 00:41 - 990117 01:50  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 02:22 - 990117 03:25  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 04:03 - 990117 05:01  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 05:47 - 990117 06:35  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 07:30 - 990117 08:11  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 09:05 - 990117 09:46  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 10:40 - 990117 11:06  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC1358          990123 11:47 - 990123 12:20  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC1358          990124 05:12 - 990124 05:32  MAD poor telemetry
MS0302+1717      990124 11:37 - 990124 12:20  GOD poor telemetry
3C_59            990127 04:42 - 990127 05:10  MAD poor telemetry
NGC1167          990128 09:19 - 990128 09:50  WAL poor telemetry
NGC1167          990129 09:06 - 990129 09:45  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
AXJ1510+0742     990130 04:58 - 990130 05:30  CAN ANT trouble
AXJ1510+0742     990130 05:35 - 990130 06:20  CAN ANT trouble
AXJ1510+0742     990130 08:00 - 990130 08:20  WAL due to S/C roll
AXJ1510+0742     990130 11:35 - 990130 11:55  GOD poor telemetry
RXS_J144701.1    990131 10:21 - 990131 10:50  GOD Dump time too Late
RXS_J144701.1    990131 11:15 - 990131 11:35  GOD Dump time too Late
RX_J0136-31      990101 23:40 - 990102 14:50  WAL ANT trouble
CR_BOO           990106 19:33 - 990106 19:53  WAL poor telemetry
A3088            990108 08:15 - 990108 09:35  WAL poor telemetry
PSRJ0437-4715    990109 19:40 - 990110 01:31  WAL << BDR STOP >>
CASSIOPEIA-A     990112 16:57 - 990112 17:35  WAL poor telemetry
NGC3923_S1       990113 06:00 - 990113 08:20  WAL data problem
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 16:20 - 990116 16:54  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 17:49 - 990116 18:35  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 19:24 - 990116 20:15  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC5044_GRP_N4   990116 20:59 - 990116 21:54  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990116 23:29 - 990117 00:14  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 00:41 - 990117 01:50  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 02:22 - 990117 03:25  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 04:03 - 990117 05:01  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 05:47 - 990117 06:35  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 07:30 - 990117 08:11  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 09:05 - 990117 09:46  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC788           990117 10:40 - 990117 11:06  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC1358          990123 11:47 - 990123 12:20  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC1358          990124 05:12 - 990124 05:32  MAD poor telemetry
MS0302+1717      990124 11:37 - 990124 12:20  GOD poor telemetry
3C_59            990127 04:42 - 990127 05:10  MAD poor telemetry
NGC1167          990128 09:19 - 990128 09:50  WAL poor telemetry
NGC1167          990129 09:06 - 990129 09:45  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
AXJ1510+0742     990130 04:58 - 990130 05:30  CAN ANT trouble
AXJ1510+0742     990130 05:35 - 990130 06:20  CAN ANT trouble
AXJ1510+0742     990130 08:00 - 990130 08:20  WAL due to S/C roll
AXJ1510+0742     990130 11:35 - 990130 11:55  GOD poor telemetry
RXS_J144701.1    990131 10:21 - 990131 10:50  GOD Dump time too Late
RXS_J144701.1    990131 11:15 - 990131 11:35  GOD Dump time too Late
3C351            990201 01:07 - 990201 04:56  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SN1006           990207 09:19 - 990207 13:46  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SN1006           990208 06:00 - 990208 06:25  GOD poor telemetry
1E161348_N1      990213 04:48 - 990213 05:10  GOD poor telemetry
GEV1417-6100     990214 01:25 - 990214 02:10  GOD poor telemetry
AXJ0431-0526     990218 00:44 - 990218 01:50  GOD poor telemetry
AXJ0431-0526     990218 02:35 - 990218 03:40  GOD poor telemetry
GR_16_N7         990223 20:23 - 990223 20:50  WAL dump on at AOS
SGR1627-41       990227 19:30 - 990227 20:26  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SGR1627-41       990227 20:53 - 990227 22:01  WAL << BDR STOP >>
G350.0-1.8       990306 15:05 - 990306 15:35  WAL poor telemetry
IC443            990308 02:45 - 990308 09:00  WAL poor telemetry
GC_REG3_N8       990312 11:10 - 990312 11:58  WAL ANT trouble
ABELL3408        990313 00:10 - 990313 06:40  WAL poor telemetry
GC_REG_4_N07     990316 04:35 - 990316 05:30  WAL S/C Antenna Null
GC_REG_4_N08     990316 15:30 - 990316 16:30  SAN poor telemetry
A562             990320 20:25 - 990320 21:50  CAN poor telemetry
V405_AUR         990321 15:00 - 990321 16:35  SAN poor telemetry
V405_AUR         990322 07:12 - 990322 07:50  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
A3667_2006-56    990331 03:10 - 990331 03:35  WAL dump on at AOS
W50_EAST_RIM     990401 14:50 - 990401 15:20  MAD poor telemetry
W50_EAST_RIM     990401 18:35 - 990401 19:15  WAL poor telemetry
W50_EAST_RIM     990401 20:00 - 990401 20:50  WAL poor telemetry
W50_EAST_RIM     990401 21:50 - 990401 22:30  WAL poor telemetry
W50_EAST_RIM     990401 22:50 - 990401 23:40  WAL poor telemetry
SN1993J_N1       990410 16:45 - 990410 17:05  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
SN1993J_N1       990411 00:16 - 990411 01:04  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SN1993J_N1       990411 01:53 - 990411 02:40  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SN1993J_N1       990411 03:33 - 990411 04:15  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SN1993J_N1       990411 05:10 - 990411 05:50  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SN1993J_N1       990411 06:54 - 990411 07:25  WAL << BDR STOP >>
SN1993J_N1       990411 08:29 - 990411 08:52  WAL << BDR STOP >>
3C382            990411 10:17 - 990411 10:33  WAL << BDR STOP >>
3C382            990411 10:59 - 990411 11:29  WAL << BDR STOP >>
3C382            990411 12:34 - 990411 13:05  WAL << BDR STOP >>
3C382            990411 14:09 - 990411 14:41  WAL << BDR STOP >>
3C382            990411 15:45 - 990411 16:16  WAL << BDR STOP >>
3C382            990412 20:26 - 990412 21:00  WAL poor telemetry
3C382            990413 20:15 - 990413 21:40  WAL ANT trouble
A3667_2010-57    990415 07:15 - 990415 09:15  WAL poor telemetry
NGC6799          990417 19:19 - 990417 20:30  MAD poor telemetry
NGC6890          990418 17:38 - 990418 18:10  WAL dump on at AOS
LMC3             990422 21:20 - 990422 22:20  KSC power failure
0532-71.0        990422 22:20 - 990422 23:00  KSC power failure
MS0821.5+0337    990424 13:20 - 990424 14:15  WAL poor telemetry
MS0821.5+0337    990424 16:27 - 990424 17:10  MAD poor telemetry
GR_17_N1         990426 01:45 - 990426 02:50  MAD poor telemetry
GR_17_N7         990427 11:45 - 990427 12:15  WAL TOTS HAD LOS
CYG_X-3_N1       990428 12:21 - 990428 12:50  WAL no data
WR_140_N1        990428 12:50 - 990428 13:50  WAL no data
LMC5             990501 04:10 - 990501 04:40  WAL dump on at AOS
AXJ1025+4714     990502 20:25 - 990502 20:50  SAN poor telemetry
AXJ1025+4714     990503 22:35 - 990503 23:00  MAD poor telemetry
RX_J1015.5+090   990504 09:32 - 990504 10:00  WAL MOD ON AT AOS
RX_J1015.5+090   990505 09:20 - 990505 09:30  WAL dump on at AOS
CBS_126          990505 09:30 - 990505 09:50  WAL dump on at AOS
SMC3             990513 17:15 - 990513 20:30  MAD poor telemetry
NGC4258          990515 23:15 - 990516 00:25  WAL ANT trouble
NGC4258          990516 16:45 - 990516 17:16  SAN poor telemetry
NGC4258          990516 17:26 - 990516 19:50  WAL Equipment problems
H1320+551        990520 14:30 - 990520 15:20  CAN poor telemetry
H1320+551        990520 15:25 - 990520 16:40  CAN poor telemetry
CF_TUC           990523 00:46 - 990523 01:20  WAL dump on at AOS
CF_TUC           990523 02:25 - 990523 03:00  SAN drops at AOS
NGC5905          990524 11:45 - 990524 12:45  WAL dump on at AOS
MS_2318.7-2328   990530 00:51 - 990530 05:40  WAL no support(resource conflict)
MKN_266          990530 05:40 - 990530 15:25  WAL no support(resource conflict)
A1656            990606 15:02 - 990606 16:31  WAL no data (operator error)
SCGG_202         990608 12:56 - 990608 14:10  WAL Bad ACQ Data
SCGG_202         990608 16:17 - 990608 16:35  WAL dump on at AOS
SCGG_202         990609 03:30 - 990609 05:05  CAN poor telemetry
GEV2026+4125_1   990611 04:45 - 990611 05:05  CAN poor telemetry
AXJ1951+5609     990612 14:00 - 990612 14:20  WAL No Autotrack Capability
AXJ1951+5609     990612 21:45 - 990612 22:09  SAN poor telemetry
AXJ1951+5609     990612 22:20 - 990612 23:00  WAL poor telemetry
ETA_CAR_N2       990616 00:20 - 990616 02:20  WAL dump on at AOS
ETA_CAR_N2       990616 07:55 - 990616 08:15  WAL poor telemetry
LMC9             990620 22:18 - 990621 00:50  MAD poor telemetry
LMC9             990621 01:00 - 990621 04:25  MAD poor telemetry
VIRGO_EAST_01    990625 02:35 - 990625 03:15  WAL poor telemetry
VIRGO_EAST_01    990625 03:30 - 990625 04:00  WAL poor telemetry
VIRGO_EAST_09    990626 07:29 - 990626 07:55  WAL poor telemetry
PG_1535+547      990627 21:40 - 990627 22:20  WAL data error
BL_LACERTAE      990628 22:45 - 990629 02:15  WAL poor telemetry
BL_LACERTAE      990629 21:00 - 990629 21:35  WAL dump on at AOS
VIRGO_EAST_12    990701 17:35 - 990701 19:10  WAL dump on at AOS
VIRGO_EAST_12    990701 23:25 - 990701 23:50  WAL poor telemetry
VIRGO_EAST_13    990702 06:09 - 990702 06:55  GOD poor telemetry
A141             990704 02:23 - 990704 02:55  WAL TOTS Failure
A141             990704 10:44 - 990704 12:02  WAL << BDR STOP >>
A141             990704 12:26 - 990704 13:36  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC5129          990706 14:45 - 990706 15:45  WAL poor telemetry
NGC5129          990707 14:35 - 990707 15:35  CAN poor telemetry
PDCS01           990711 03:30 - 990711 03:53  GOD poor telemetry
PDCS01           990711 13:00 - 990711 13:40  SAN Low Elevation Pass
PDCS01           990712 03:15 - 990712 03:40  GOD poor telemetry
PDCS01           990713 00:25 - 990713 01:00  GOD poor telemetry
MS0147.8-3941    990714 20:39 - 990714 21:25  WAL poor telemetry
EUVE_outburst    990715 09:45 - 990715 11:00  KSC KSC trouble  
EUVE_outburst    990715 11:05 - 990715 11:30  MAD poor telemetry
RX_J0152-23      990716 10:30 - 990716 10:50  WAL poor telemetry
RX_J0323-49      990718 09:22 - 990718 13:48  WAL << BDR STOP >>
MCG-6-30-15      990720 18:40 - 990720 19:06  WAL dump on at AOS
MCG-6-30-15      990724 20:45 - 990724 21:24  GOD poor telemetry
MCG-6-30-15      990729 03:00 - 990729 04:00  WAL dump on at AOS
3C324            990731 13:28 - 990731 13:50  WAL poor telemetry
3C324            990801 18:45 - 990801 19:05  KSC ANT trouble
4U_0142+61_N2    990804 00:00 - 990804 01:00  WAL Late AOS
2EG_2227+6122    990804 23:45 - 990805 01:15  WAL dump on at AOS
2EG_2227+6122    990805 23:30 - 990805 03:50  MAD pass canceled
2EG_2227+6122    990806 09:40 - 990806 10:00  WAL poor telemetry
CHAIBROWNDWARF   990808 15:53 - 990808 17:59  MAD << BDR STOP >>
4U_0142+61_N3    990809 20:55 - 990810 02:10  MAD NO DUMP
FORNAX_CLUS_N1   990810 20:40 - 990810 21:00  MAD poor telemetry
FORNAX_CLUS_N2   990810 21:00 - 990810 21:55  MAD poor telemetry
FORNAX_CLUS_N2   990811 01:15 - 990811 01:40  MAD poor telemetry
4U_0142+61_N4    990813 07:08 - 990813 07:28  WAL dump on at AOS
PSR_J1118-61     990814 19:45 - 990814 20:20  MAD poor telemetry
PSR_J1118-61     990815 06:40 - 990815 07:00  WAL dump on at AOS
CAS_A_C1H_2      990816 07:10 - 990816 07:30  GOD poor telemetry
CAS_A_C1H_2      990816 18:00 - 990816 18:45  MAD poor telemetry
CAS_A_C1H_2      990816 19:10 - 990816 19:45  MAD poor telemetry
CAS_A_C1H_2      990816 21:00 - 990816 23:45  MAD poor telemetry
G_318.9+0.4      990817 17:25 - 990817 19:00  MAD MFR #1 Problem
G_315.9+0.0      990818 04:19 - 990818 04:45  WAL dump on at AOS
CAS_A_C1X_3      990818 17:10 - 990818 18:20  WAL dump on at AOS
PROXIMA_CEN      990823 03:09 - 990823 04:30  WAL not scheduled
MS0302+1717_S2   990824 14:05 - 990824 15:30  CAN poor telemetry
NGC6034          990826 19:45 - 990826 20:20  CAN poor telemetry
SGR0526-66       990902 10:20 - 990902 12:00  MAD Short Dump Moduration
CB68             990905 03:23 - 990905 04:25  MAD << BDR STOP >>
BSD_24-491       990909 08:30 - 990909 08:55  WAL poor telemetry
PKS1830-211_N1   990911 06:30 - 990911 08:00  MAD poor telemetry
PKS1830-211_N1   990911 08:00 - 990911 09:30  MAD poor telemetry
G330.2+1.0       990911 18:45 - 990911 20:20  MAD poor telemetry
G28.8+1.5_WN     990913 04:15 - 990913 05:40  WAL dump on at AOS
RXJ04493+0728    990914 04:00 - 990914 04:20  WAL poor telemetry
RXJ04493+0728    990914 14:56 - 990914 15:30  WAL dump on at AOS
RXJ04493+0728    990915 14:41 - 990915 15:20  WAL poor telemetry
RXJ04493+0728    990916 03:30 - 990916 14:50  WAL HARRICANE
PKS1830-211_N2   990916 14:50 - 990916 16:10  WAL HARRICANE
1RXSJ170849_N2   990917 05:05 - 990917 08:40  WAL Ephemeris data trouble
SAX_J1808.4-36   990919 08:20 - 990919 09:40  WAL ANT trouble
GX_339-4_N4      990920 06:30 - 990920 06:50  MAD poor telemetry
4U1728-34        990922 02:30 - 990922 03:40  WAL poor telemetry
G5.2-2.6         990922 17:30 - 990923 00:05  KSC Typhoon
G5.2-2.6         990923 00:05 - 990923 04:50  MAD KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N1      990923 04:50 - 990923 06:06  MAD KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N1      990923 06:16 - 990923 10:10  WAL KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N2      990923 10:10 - 990923 12:32  WAL KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N2      990923 12:41 - 990923 19:40  KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N3      990923 19:40 - 990923 23:40  KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N3      990923 23:50 - 990924 03:40  WAL KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N4      990924 03:40 - 990924 09:30  WAL KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N5      990924 09:30 - 990924 12:17  WAL KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N5      990924 12:26 - 990924 15:28  GOD KSC Typhoon
GC_REG_5_N5      990924 15:37 - 990924 19:30  KSC trouble
GC_REG_5_N6      990924 19:30 - 990924 20:10  KSC trouble
GC_REG_5_N9      990925 21:40 - 990925 23:20  MAD poor telemetry
GC_REG_5_N9      990926 02:11 - 990926 02:50  WAL dump on at AOS
G25.5+0.0        990927 17:55 - 990927 18:15  KSC KSC trouble
GC_REG_6_N2      990930 07:39 - 990930 08:00  WAL poor telemetry
PKS1830-211-N5   991001 07:24 - 991001 07:55  WAL poor telemetry
GC_REG6_N6       991001 20:20 - 991001 21:40  WAL dump on at AOS
GC_REG6_N7       991002 07:09 - 991002 07:30  WAL dump on at AOS
GC_REG6_N8       991002 07:30 - 991002 07:45  WAL dump on at AOS
GC_REG6_N9       991002 18:20 - 991002 19:10  WAL dump on at AOS
G26.6-0.1        991003 23:30 - 991003 24:00  WAL dump on at AOS
GEMINGA          991008 07:15 - 991008 08:15  GOD poor telemetry
GEMINGA          991011 03:10 - 991011 05:00  GOD no data
PKS0548-322-N2   991011 14:20 - 991011 20:00  WAL no data
PKS1830-211_N7   991011 20:00 - 991011 21:10  WAL no data
PKS1830-211_N7   991011 23:40 - 991012 00:25  WAL ANT trouble
PKS1830-211_N7   991012 01:20 - 991012 01:50  WAL poor telemetry
XTE_J1855_MIN    991014 02:24 - 991014 03:10  GOD poor telemetry
PKS0548-322_N3   991014 13:00 - 991014 13:35  CAN poor telemetry
PKS1830-211_N8   991015 13:15 - 991015 13:55  CAN dump on at AOS
AXJ1832.4-0840   991018 01:20 - 991018 04:55  KSC KSC trouble
PQ_GEM           991020 10:15 - 991020 10:35  MAD dump on at AOS
HOLMBERG_II      991022 09:45 - 991022 10:55  WAL dump on at AOS
HOLMBERG_II      991022 12:55 - 991022 14:10  WAL dump on at AOS
WR_140           991022 14:10 - 991022 16:10  WAL dump on at AOS
ER_VUL           991025 07:15 - 991025 11:36  MAD no data
ER_VUL           991027 07:10 - 991027 08:15  WAL poor telemetry
MCG-05-18-002    991027 17:39 - 991027 18:10  WAL dump on at AOS
PG_2112+059      991030 16:50 - 991030 19:00  MAD poor telemetry
0520-69.4        991101 03:45 - 991101 11:07  WAL no data
0520-69.4        991101 11:17 - 991101 12:25  WAL Large Time Bias on ANT
SN1987A          991101 22:10 - 991101 23:45  KSC KSC trouble
NGC1549          991105 10:11 - 991105 11:40  WAL no data
RXJ1053_STEP     991106 13:15 - 991106 13:35  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC3245          991108 00:05 - 991108 01:05  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC3245          991108 22:10 - 991108 22:40  WAL dump on at AOS
RXJ105346.6_N2   991114 12:40 - 991114 14:25  SAN poor telemetry
RXJ105346.6_N2   991114 16:20 - 991114 17:40  SAN poor telemetry
RXJ105346.6_N2   991114 17:52 - 991114 21:00  MAD poor telemetry
PG_1011-040      991115 12:30 - 991115 13:15  KSC KSC trouble
PG_1011-040      991115 19:16 - 991115 19:45  MAD dump on at AOS
PG1012+008       991116 06:15 - 991116 06:40  WAL poor telemetry
PG1012+008       991116 16:35 - 991116 17:00  KSC KSC trouble
LBQS2212-1759    991117 08:28 - 991117 09:48  GOD no data
LBQS2212-1759    991117 16:15 - 991117 18:45  MAD dump still on at LOS
PHL5200          991121 16:15 - 991121 17:21  SAN some dropouts at LOS
PHL5200          991121 17:33 - 991121 17:58  MAD poor telemetry
PHL5200          991122 19:15 - 991122 20:35  WAL poor telemetry
RX_J1028.6-084   991126 21:27 - 991126 22:25  WAL no data
NGC3627          991128 13:15 - 991128 13:38  SAN poor telemetry
NGC3627          991128 13:50 - 991128 14:35  MAD poor telemetry
NGC3516          991130 13:00 - 991130 13:20  WAL poor telemetry
NGC3516          991130 14:35 - 991130 15:00  WAL poor telemetry
NGC3516          991130 15:10 - 991130 16:05  WAL poor telemetry
NGC3516          991130 18:10 - 991130 18:30  WAL poor telemetry
NGC3516          991130 19:45 - 991130 20:35  WAL poor telemetry
TON_S180         991204 13:35 - 991204 13:55  MAD poor telemetry
TON_S180         991204 17:21 - 991204 18:05  WAL pass canceled
TON_S180         991205 13:55 - 991205 15:50  MAD poor telemetry
TON_S180         991207 20:25 - 991207 21:00  WAL poor telemetry
TON_S180         991209 20:34 - 991209 21:10  WAL dump on at AOS
TON_S180         991210 21:54 - 991210 23:05  GOD no data
TON_S180         991211 20:10 - 991212 03:46  WAL << BDR STOP >>
TON_S180         991212 04:19 - 991212 05:20  WAL << BDR STOP >>
MS_1231.3+1542   991218 21:00 - 991218 21:35  CAN Low Elevation Pass
MS_1231.3+1542   991218 21:55 - 991218 22:50  CAN Low Elevation Pass
MS_1231.3+1542   991219 15:46 - 991219 16:10  WAL dump on at AOS
A1060_1          991220 08:10 - 991220 08:50  CAN poor telemetry
A1060_2          991220 15:29 - 991220 16:05  WAL dump on at AOS
A1060_3          991221 02:35 - 991221 07:00  CAN no data
A1569            991226 23:00 - 991227 00:20  MAD poor telemetry
0045+2127        991228 00:25 - 991228 01:20  MAD poor telemetry
0045+2127        991228 03:09 - 991228 03:35  MAD poor telemetry
0045+2127        991228 11:13 - 991228 11:33  WAL dump on at AOS
PG_1427+480      991229 00:05 - 991229 01:00  MAD poor telemetry
RXJ1340.6+4018   991231 11:46 - 991231 21:45  MAD poor telemetry   
RXJ1340.6+4018   000101 13:07 - 000101 16:35  MAD poor telemetry
RXJ1340.6+4018   000102 09:50 - 000102 10:25  MAD poor telemetry
3C293            000104 18:30 - 000104 18:55  MAD poor telemetry
3C293            000105 00:41 - 000105 02:50  WAL ANT trouble
3C393            000105 07:30 - 000105 08:05  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC3783_N1       000112 14:30 - 000112 16:15  WAL poor telemetry
1E1207.4-5209    000118 21:28 - 000118 22:35  WAL Bad Pointing Angles
NGC3783_N3       000121 08:00 - 000121 17:14  MAD no data
A3558            000122 23:28 - 000123 09:05  WAL dump on at AOS
A3558            000123 10:40 - 000123 14:00  WAL dump on at AOS
PG_1426+015      000126 09:35 - 000126 10:15  WAL poor telemetry
PG_1426+015      000126 20:26 - 000126 21:00  WAL dump on at AOS
G296.8-0.3       000127 11:50 - 000127 16:00  WAL dump on at AOS
OY_CAR           000128 18:05 - 000128 20:45  WAL not lock on
OY_CAR           000129 02:30 - 000129 07:44  WAL << BDR STOP >>
PKS_0588-504     000201 15:04 - 000201 16:33  WAL pass canceled
PKS_0588-504     000201 16:44 - 000201 17:50  WAL pass canceled
1SAX_J1324.4-6   000202 15:10 - 000202 15:35  WAL dump on at AOS
1SAX_J1324.4-6   000202 16:23 - 000202 16:45  WAL dump on at AOS
1SAX_J1324.4-6   000202 22:30 - 000202 23:55  WAL dump on at AOS
1SAX_J1324.4-6   000203 16:02 - 000203 16:22  WAL dump on at AOS
1SAX_J1324.4-6   000204 15:42 - 000204 16:10  WAL dump on at AOS
BHR71            000205 15:21 - 000205 15:45  WAL dump on at AOS
PC1643+4631A.B   000206 23:00 - 000207 00:15  KSC KSC trouble
PC1643+4631A.B   000207 11:21 - 000207 11:41  WAL dump on at AOS
PC1643+4631A.B   000207 19:40 - 000207 20:50  SAN 47 drops at LOS
3C_323.1         000208 12:41 - 000208 13:40  WAL ANT Auto Track Failure
3C_323.1         000208 18:35 - 000210 10:09  WAL pass canceled
3C_323.1         000210 10:20 - 000210 11:49  WAL pass canceled
3C_323.1         000210 12:00 - 000210 17:55  KSC KSC trouble
N63A             000212 04:54 - 000212 05:15  MAD poor telemetry
N63A             000212 06:34 - 000212 06:58  WAL dump on at AOS
4U1608-52        000213 15:00 - 000213 19:15  MAD poor telemetry
4U1608-52        000214 12:15 - 000214 13:36  GOD no data
4U1608-52        000215 09:25 - 000215 10:00  WAL poor telemetry
4U1608-52        000216 16:00 - 000216 16:20  KSC KSC trouble
4U1608-52        000221 16:10 - 000221 19:35  WAL Low elevation
4U1608-52        000222 02:35 - 000222 04:13  WAL Low elevation
4U1608-52        000222 07:44 - 000222 09:09  KSC KSC trouble
4U1608-52        000222 18:50 - 000222 19:20  WAL dump on at AOS
4U1608-52        000223 11:05 - 000223 11:35  KSC KSC trouble
4U1608-52        000223 18:30 - 000223 20:00  WAL dump on at AOS
IC342_SC_1       000224 18:10 - 000224 19:50  WAL dump on at AOS
IC342_SC_1       000227 13:35 - 000227 15:05  SAN poor telemetry
IC342_SC_1       000229 01:53 - 000229 03:05  WAL dump on at AOS
IC342_SC_1       000229 13:30 - 000229 14:00  WAL dump on at AOS
IC342_SC_1       000301 04:49 - 000301 06:10  GOD no data
MKN501           000301 14:15 - 000301 21:05  MAD bad predicts
MKN501           000302 17:45 - 000302 19:10  MAD poor telemetry
MKN501           000303 00:15 - 000303 00:36  WAL dump still on at LOS
MKN501           000304 11:30 - 000304 11:58  SAN Low elevation
MKN501           000305 01:58 - 000305 02:25  GOD ANT Auto Track Failure
MKN501           000305 12:10 - 000305 12:50  SAN poor telemetry
MKN501           000309 22:10 - 000309 22:30  WAL dump on at AOS
MKN501           000310 21:47 - 000310 22:10  WAL dump on at AOS
SGR_A            000311 18:05 - 000311 18:30  WAL dump on at AOS
SGR_A            000312 21:02 - 000312 21:22  WAL dump on at AOS
SGR_A            000316 08:32 - 000316 09:30  MAD poor telemetry
SGR_A            000317 08:10 - 000317 09:00  WAL Large Time Bias(-24sec)
SGR_A            000318 18:38 - 000319 10:55  CAN no data
SGR_A            000319 22:40 - 000320 00:05  KSC KSC trouble
SGR_A            000321 15:56 - 000321 16:20  WAL poor telemetry
SGR_A            000321 21:50 - 000321 23:20  KSC KSC trouble
SAFEHOLD         000322 04:30 - 000322 05:20  WAL dump on at AOS
SAFEHOLD         000322 13:53 - 000322 15:22  WAL pas canceled
SS433            000324 03:40 - 000324 07:35  WAL dump on at AOS
SS433            000401 11:17 - 000401 14:10  MAD poor telemetry
SS433            000402 04:40 - 000402 05:45  MAD Low Signal Level at AOS
SS433            000402 23:35 - 000403 01:10  MAD ANT trouble
SS433            000403 04:03 - 000403 04:30  MAD ANT trouble
SMC_SW_1         000404 01:58 - 000404 02:20  WAL Large Time Bias(+15sec)
SMC_SW_1         000404 22:40 - 000405 01:24  MAD pass canceled
SMC_SW_1         000406 03:35 - 000406 03:55  WAL low antenna elevation
SMC_SW_1         000406 20:45 - 000406 21:10  MAD poor telemetry
SAFEHOLD         000407 19:45 - 000407 21:35  MAD late tlm lock
SAFEHOLD         000408 19:20 - 000408 23:40  MAD ANT trouble
SAFEHOLD         000408 23:49 - 000409 01:18  MAD ANT trouble
SAFEHOLD         000410 11:50 - 000410 13:15  KSC KSC trouble
SAFEHOLD         000410 18:30 - 000410 19:30  MAD poor telemetry
SAFEHOLD         000411 18:05 - 000411 18:30  MAD poor telemetry
SMC_SW_2         000412 17:35 - 000412 18:00  MAD poor telemetry
SMC_SW_2         000413 17:10 - 000413 19:00  MAD poor telemetry
SMC_SW_2         000414 13:25 - 000414 18:15  MAD ANT trouble
SMC_SW_2         000414 21:10 - 000414 21:55  MAD Late 2min ACQ
SMC_SW_2         000415 14:35 - 000415 21:25  MAD Negative ACQ
SMC_SW_2         000416 04:45 - 000416 05:30  GOD poor telemetry
GRS1915+105      000418 15:00 - 000418 18:15  WAL poor telemetry
GRS1915+105      000419 15:00 - 000419 15:50  WAL poor telemetry
GRS1915+105      000420 14:44 - 000420 15:45  WAL dump on at AOS
GRS1915+105      000420 23:10 - 000420 23:40  WAL dump on at AOS
GRS1915+105      000421 14:16 - 000421 14:40  MAD poor telemetry
GRS1915+105      000421 19:00 - 000421 19:29  MAD poor telemetry
GRS1915+105      000422 13:49 - 000422 14:25  WAL dump on at AOS
GRS1915+105      000423 04:10 = 000423 05:30  SAN poor telemetry
GRS1915+105      000423 11:35 - 000423 12:55  SAN poor telemetry
GRS1915+105      000423 21:47 - 000423 22:15  WAL dump on at AOS
SMC_9            000425 20:55 - 000425 22:23  WAL Recorder misconfiguration
SMC_10           000429 22:25 - 000430 05:19  WAL << BDR STOP >>
PKS2155-304      000503 08:00 - 000503 10:00  WAL ANT trouble
PKS2155-304      000503 18:50 - 000503 19:15  WAL dump on at AOS
PKS2155-304      000504 18:22 - 000504 18:50  WAL dump on at AOS
PKS2155-304      000505 14:25 - 000505 15:30  WAL dump on at AOS
PKS2155-304      000505 17:54 - 000505 18:25  WAL dump on at AOS
PKS2155-304      000506 07:05 - 000506 07:25  WAL dump on at AOS
PKS2155-304      000506 17:25 - 000506 18:00  WAL dump on at AOS
PKS2155-304      000506 19:03 - 000506 19:45  WAL dump on at AOS
PKS2155-304      000506 20:30 - 000506 21:15  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000506 22:05 - 000506 22:50  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000506 23:40 - 000507 00:30  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 01:15 - 000507 02:20  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 02:45 - 000507 03:45  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 06:00 - 000507 06:35  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 07:30 - 000507 08:05  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 09:05 - 000507 09:35  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 10:35 - 000507 11:15  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 12:15 - 000507 12:55  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000507 16:56 - 000507 17:35  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000508 16:28 - 000508 17:00  WAL poor telemetry
PKS2155-304      000511 04:15 - 000511 04:45  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4151          000513 15:44 - 000513 23:00  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC4151          000514 06:25 - 000514 06:50  WAL poor telemetry
NGC4151          000514 13:35 - 000514 14:10  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4151          000515 09:47 - 000515 11:10  WAL ACQ Data to ANT was old
NGC4151          000515 11:27 - 000515 12:05  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4151          000516 10:58 - 000516 11:30  WAL ANT Auto Track Failure
NGC4151          000517 07:20 - 000517 07:45  WAL poor telemetry
NGC4151          000519 02:10 - 000519 02:35  CAN poor telemetry
NGC4151          000519 02:45 - 000519 04:25  CAN poor telemetry
NGC4151          000519 07:11 - 000519 07:40  GOD poor telemetry
NGC4151          000520 10:40 - 000520 18:05  WAL poor telemetry
NGC4151          000521 22:50 - 000522 03:08  MAD TGC Misconfigured 
NGC4151          000522 03:18 - 000522 04:15  MAD Fails to ACQ
NGC4151          000522 06:21 - 000522 07:40  WAL pass canceled
NGC4151          000522 22:20 - 000522 23:20  MAD poor telemetry
NGC4151          000523 09:10 - 000523 09:50  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4151          000523 21:50 - 000524 02:25  WAL Large time Bias(-24sec)
NGC4151          000524 07:01 - 000524 07:35  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4151          000524 08:40 - 000524 10:00  GOD Lock on weak signal
NGC4151          000524 20:40 x- 000524 21:10  KSC KSC trouble
NGC4395          000527 07:10 - 000527 07:30  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4395          000528 06:39 - 000528 07:35  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4395          000528 07:45 - 000528 08:05  WAL Low Elevation
NGC4395          000528 08:17 - 000528 08:40  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4395          000528 14:36 - 000528 20:17  WAL << BDR STOP >>
NGC4395          000529 18:50 - 000529 22:25  WAL dump on at AOS
NGC4395          000531 05:08 - 000531 08:07  GOD ANT Auto Track Failure
NGC4395          000531 08:18 - 000531 09:47  GOD ANT Auto Track Failure
ARAKELIAN_564    000602 05:55 - 000602 07:05  GOD poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000603 18:30 - 000603 18:55  MAD poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000603 19:04 - 000603 19:25  MAD poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000604 04:43 - 000604 06:03  GOD no data
ARAKELIAN_564    000606 23:25 - 000606 23:46  WAL poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000606 23:56 - 000607 00:25  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000608 13:45 - 000608 15:20  MAD poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000613 11:10 - 000613 16:20  MAD pass canceled
ARAKELIAN_564    000613 22:01 - 000613 22:20  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000615 22:37 - 000615 23:45  GOD poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000616 13:55 - 000616 14:39  CAN poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000617 04:40 - 000617 05:35  KSC KSC trouble
ARAKELIAN_564    000617 05:40 - 000617 07:10  KSC KSC trouble
ARAKELIAN_564    000617 09:05 - 000617 09:30  MAD poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000617 13:35 - 000617 14:05  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000617 19:56 - 000617 20:25  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000617 21:35 - 000617 22:35  GOD ANT trouble
ARAKELIAN_564    000619 08:05 - 000619 09:00  WAL poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000620 04:15 - 000620 05:30  WAL poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000620 18:20 - 000620 18:50  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000621 07:00 - 000621 08:00  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000621 17:48 - 000621 18:15  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000622 03:10 - 000622 04:10  CAN poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000622 04:45 - 000622 05:25  CAN poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000622 05:30 - 000622 05:50  CAN poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000622 10:50 - 000622 11:28  CAN poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000622 17:16 - 000622 17:45  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000623 16:44 - 000623 17:15  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000624 02:05 - 000624 03:45  KSC KSC bad weather
ARAKELIAN_564    000625 15:40 - 000625 16:15  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000626 04:20 - 000626 05:10  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000626 11:49 - 000626 12:25  WAL poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000626 15:08 - 000626 15:40  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000627 08:58 - 000627 09:55  WAL time bias 4minutes
ARAKELIAN_564    000627 14:36 - 000627 15:05  WAL dump on at AOS
ARAKELIAN_564    000628 03:15 - 000628 09:11  MAD ANT trouble
ARAKELIAN_564    000629 07:10 - 000629 07:43  CAN poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000704 00:00 - 000704 02:20  MAD poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000704 04:28 - 000704 05:00  WAL poor telemetry
ARAKELIAN_564    000704 05:05 - 000704 05:35  WAL poor telemetry
IRAS13224        000708 19:35 - 000709 03:12  MAD ANT trouble
IRAS13224        000709 03:22 - 000709 04:00  MAD poor telemetry
IRAS13224        000709 20:45 - 000710 02:10  MAD no DR
IRAS13224        000711 19:40 - 000711 22:05  MAD poor telemetry
IRAS13224        000712 04:46 - 000712 05:20  WAL dump on at AOS
IRAS13224        000712 08:05 - 000712 10:55  GOD no data
IRAS13224        000712 19:05 - 000712 23:22  MAD no DR
IRAS13224        000712 23:32 - 000713 01:00  MAD no DR
IRAS13224        000713 01:11 - 000713 02:30  MAD no DR
IRAS13224        000713 18:35 - 000713 22:15  MAD Down link Signal level is low
IRAS13224        000715 06:25 - 000715 07:44  GOD ANT trouble
IRAS13224        000715 07:55 - 000715 09:20  GOD no data
IRAS13224        000715 19:05 - 000715 21:42  MAD Signal level is low
IRAS13224        000715 22:30 - 000715 23:15  MAD Signal level is low

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