SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 41007 DR. NAOMI HIRANO HITOTSUBASHI UNIVERSITY TOKYO JAPAN 186 KUNITACHI 2-1 NAKA E-mail: HIRANO@HIGASHI.HIT-U.AC.JP Tel: 0425-72-1101 EXT.5389 Fax: 0425-71-1893 Medium: 2.5GB8MM Subject: STARS Title: HARD X-RAY OBSERVATIONS OF THE YOUNG STELLAR OBJECTS IN ROH-OPH EAST (L1689) DARK CLOUD Abstract: We propose to observe hard X-ray emission from the young stellar objects (YSOs) in roh-oph east (L1689) dark cloud. In this region, there are more than ten YSOs whose infrared classes are from Class I (protostars) to Class III (weak-line T Tauri stars), including extremely young protostar, IRAS 16293-2422. The X-ray emission from YSOs provides us direct information on the surface magnetic activities of YSOs even though they are deeply embedded in the molecular cloud cores. The purpose of our observations are (1) to search for the hard X-ray emission toward protostars, (2) to make a comparison in X-ray spectrum between protostars and T Tauri stars, and (3) to make clear at what stage of protostellar evolution the X-ray activities start. Co-Is: 1 (No Co-I contact data) Target Name PRI RA Dec Time TC Off GIS SIS_Cts Obs ------------------- --- -------- -------- ---- -- --- --- ------- --- ROH-OPH EAST (L1689) 2 247.9871 -24.6061 40 N N P 0.00700 1