SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 41018 MR. YUKIO MATSUMOTO FACULITY OF SCIENCE, OSAKA UNIVERSITY OSAKA JAPAN 560 TOYONAKA 1-1, MACHIKANEYAMA E-mail: MATUMOTO@ESS.SCI.OSAKA-U.AC.JP Tel: 06-850-5476 Fax: 06-850-5539 Medium: 2.5GB8MM Subject: STARS Title: ASCA FIRST OBSERVATION OF SINGLE WOLF-RAYET STAR:VE2-47 (AS268) Abstract: We propose to observe SINGLE Wolf-Rayet star Ve2-47 (AS268). Since the launch of ASCA, it has already observed 9 Wolf-Rayet stars. But ALL of the 9 WRs are Wolf-Rayet BINARY with O-stars. This is because of their excess X-ray luminosities caused by the colliding star winds from each of the binary components. Howevwr, Einstein observation of galactic Wolf-Rayet stars showed that some of the SINGLE WRs are luminous as well as some of the X-ray luminous WR BINARIES, though the SINGLE WRs don't have colliding winds. The Einstein observation didn't get the most important information---the spectrums. This first ASCA observation of SINGLE WRs must make the propaties of them clear for us. Co-Is: 1 SYUNJI KITAMOTO OSAKA UNIV. JAPAN KITAMOTO2@ESS.SCI.OSAKA-U.AC.JP 06-850-5476 Target Name PRI RA Dec Time TC Off GIS SIS_Cts Obs ------------------- --- -------- -------- ---- -- --- --- ------- --- VE2-47 (AS268) 3 270.5975 -23.5767 40 N N P 0.10000 1