SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 41080 PROFESSOR HIROSHI TSUNEMI FACULTY OF SCIENCE, OSAKA UNIVERSITY OSAKA JAPAN 560 TOYONAKA 1-1, MACHIKANEYAMA E-mail: TSUNEMI@ESS.SCI.OSAKA-U.AC.JP Tel: 06-850-5477 Fax: 06-850-5539 Medium: 2.5GB8MM Subject: SUPERNOVA REMNANTS AND GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION Title: OBSERVATION OF VELA SNR SHRAPNEL D Abstract: There are several cusps structure outside the Vela SNR. They are strongly considered as shrapnels launched in the SN explosion. We observed one of them and found that it is heavily overabundant of Si. This supports the idea that it surely comes from the ejecta of the SN. We propose to observe another cusp strucutre that is brighter and bigger than that we observed so far. Based on the Rosat result, we can expect much more overabundant of heavy elements. Co-Is: 1 EMI MIYATA OSAKA UNIV. JAPAN MIYATA@ESS.SCI.OSAKA-U.AC.JP 06-850-5475 2 BERND ASCHENBACH MPE GERMANY 3 ROLAND EGGER MPE GERMANY Target Name PRI RA Dec Time TC Off GIS SIS_Cts Obs ------------------- --- -------- -------- ---- -- --- --- ------- --- VELA SNR SHRAPNEL D 2 135.0312 -45.9239 70 N N P 2.00000 1 VELA SNR EAST RIM 2 133.9767 -45.2175 30 N N P 4.00000 1