SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 41144 DR. TSUNEO KII INSTITUTE OF SPACE AND ASTRONAUTICAL SIENCE KANAGAWA JAPAN 229 SAGAMIHARA 3-1-1 YOSHINODAI E-mail: KII@ASTRO.ISAS.AC.JP Tel: 0427-51-3911 EX 2624 Fax: 0427-59-4253 Medium: 2.5GB8MM Subject: AGN Title: NEWLY DISCOVERED NARROW-LINE SEYFERT 1 GALAXIES WITH STEEP SOFT-X-RAY SPECTRA Abstract: Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1) have peculiar characteristics that the intense highly ionized lines include in the optical spectra while the verosity dispersion of Balmer line is less than 2000 km sE-1, and that there are the strong steep-spectral component in soft X-rays and relatively week flat-spectral component in hard X-rays. A NLS1, IRAS13224-3809, showed that the rapid variability with time scale of 300 s, which implys the compact central engine. We would propose the observation of newly ROSAT-discovered NLS1 in order systematicaly to investigate the characteristic of NLS1. Co-Is: 1 CHIKO OTANI RIKEN JAPAN (No Co-I contact data) 2 JOCHEN GREINER MPE GERMANY 3 STEFANIE KOMOSSA MPE GERMANY 4 HENNER FINK MPE GERMANY 5 KAYOKO MIYA ISAS JAPAN 6 CHIHO MATSUMOTO ISAS JAPAN Target Name PRI RA Dec Time TC Off GIS SIS_Cts Obs ------------------- --- -------- -------- ---- -- --- --- ------- --- RX J1225.7+2055 3 186.4246 20.9178 40 N Y P 0.05000 1