SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 41179 DR. TORU YAMADA RIKEN SAITAMA JAPAN 351-01 WAKO 2-1 HIROSAWA E-mail: YAMADA@CRICKET.RIKEN.GO.JP Tel: 048-462-1111 (EX.3227) Fax: 048-462-4640 Medium: 4GBDAT Subject: AGN Title: SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION OF A HOMOGENEOUSLY-SELECTED COMPLETE SAMPLE OF ULTRALUMINOUS FAR-INFRARED OBJECTS Abstract: We propose systematic observations of a homogeneously-selected complete sample of far-infrared luminous objects. We selected nine objects with L$_{\rm FIR } > 10^{12.5}$ L$_{\odot}$ from Strauss et al.'s 2-Jy All Sky Survey catalog, as FINAL targets to be observed. This luminosity range is a natural extention of the FIR luminocities of luminous Seyfert galaxies to quasars. Three of the nine objects have been already observed by ASCA (Mkn231, 3C273, and 03185+4227 as an AO-3 target) and other THREE objects are selected for the primary targets in this AO-4 observations. The results constrains (1) abundance and properties of "type-2 (obscured) quasars" and (2) frequency of strong AGN activities among the gas-rich, FIR luminous objectss with intense starburst. } } Co-Is: 1 MICHAEL ROWAN-ROBINSON IMPERIAL COLLEGE UK (No Co-I contact data) 2 TATEHIRO MIHARA RIKEN JAPAN 3 NOBUYUKI KAWAI RIKEN JAPAN Target Name PRI RA Dec Time TC Off GIS SIS_Cts Obs ------------------- --- -------- -------- ---- -- --- --- ------- --- IRAS03521+0028 3 58.6804 0.6186 40 N Y P 0.03000 1