SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 41257 MR KIYOSHI HASHIMOTODANI FACULTY OF SCIENCE, OSAKA UNIVERSITY OSAKA JAPAN 560 TOYONAKA 1-1, MACHIKANEYAMA E-mail: HASIMTDN@ESS.SCI.OSAKA-U.AC.JP Tel: 06-850-5475 Fax: 06-850-5539 Medium: 2.5GB8MM Subject: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES AND SUPERCLUSTERS Title: A SEACH FOR Abstract: We propose the observation of the unknown, new type of object called "failed clu ster" of galaxies. It is characterized to be a large cloud of hot gas with no vi sible galaxies. At first, the exsistence of this type of object was suggested by a survey of EINSTEIN/IPC field. From the initial screening of 1435 IPC field, a t last only ONE possible candidate was found. If the candidate is really the fai led cluster, that will constrain the cosmological models for the large scale str uctures. The existence of failed cluster will be a difficulty for so called "bot tom up model" of hierarchcal clustering. Our aim is to identify thecandidate as failed cluster by detailed spectroscopy with ASCA. Co-Is: 1 KIYOSHI HAYASHIDA OSAKA UNIV. JAPAN HAYASIDA@ESS.SCI.OSAKA-U.AC.JP 06-850-5476 2 EMI MIYATA OSAKA UNIV. JAPAN Target Name PRI RA Dec Time TC Off GIS SIS_Cts Obs ------------------- --- -------- -------- ---- -- --- --- ------- --- 0806+20 1 122.2717 20.4115 40 N N P 0.04000 1