SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 43008 DR. RENATE OTTMANN MPE GARCHING GERMANY 85740 GARCHING GIESSENBACHSTR. E-mail: REO@MPE-GARCHING.MPG.DE Tel: +49-89-3299-3883 Fax: +49-89-3299-3569 Medium: 4GBDAT Subject: STARS Title: MULTI-WAVELENGTH STUDY OF THE QUIESCENT AND FLARING CORONA IN RZ CAS Abstract: We propose to observe the eclipsing Algol-type binary RZ Cas for 40 ks, providing the first full-orbit X-ray lightcurve with ASCA of an Algol-type system besides Algol. It will be possible to interpret the origin of the time variability previously found. The S/N ratio of the ASCA SIS spectrum will be sufficient to reliably determine the metal abundances and search for temperature and abundance variations on various timescales. By simultaneous ROSAT/HRI, IUE, optical, infrared (allocated) and VLA (proposed) observations, the temperature profile and spatial structure of the atmosphere can be deduced. In the case of a flare, unique time variability studies in the various spectral bands can be performed, and abundance variations can be investigated. Co-Is: 1 DR. HILMAR DUERBECK UNIVERSITY MUENSTER GERMANY (No Co-I contact data) 2 DR. MANUEL GUEDEL ETH ZUERICH SWITZ Target Name PRI RA Dec Time TC Off GIS SIS_Cts Obs ------------------- --- -------- -------- ---- -- --- --- ------- --- RZ CAS 2 42.2308 69.6338 40 N Y P 0.16000 1