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Suzaku Software V5.0 (Heasoft v6.3)

Suzaku software Version 5 - Changes since HEASoft v6.2:

Global change 
   - All tasks support the CALDB query   

Suzaku Generic tools
 aeaspect :
   - Copy NOM_PNT keyword from attitude file.
 aeattcor :
   - New tool.Correct Euler angles in attitude file for the "thermal wobbling".
 aemkehk :

   - Add 'COR2' column in output .ehk file (new rigidity CALDB needed).
   - Quit immediately when no orbit or attitude information is available.
   - New parameter: rigidity

 All general tasks 
   aeaspect, aeattcor, aebarycen, aecoordcalc, aemkehk, aetimecalc
 search the leap second file in the Heasoft data directory if leapfile=AUTO

XIS Specific tools
xiscoord :

  -  Fill blanks if coordinates conversion fails.
  -  Fill ACTY=511 when psum timing mode.
  -  New parameter: ignore_frames

  - Support psum timing event files
  - Bug fix in generating GTI, when a jump in the frame time is detected.
  - New parameter: ignore_frames
xispi :
  - Support for data taken with the SCI 
  - Saw-tooth CTI correction for SCI (new format makepi needed).
  - Smooth PHA to PI conversion around Si-K edge  (new format makepi needed).
  - Mode-dependent gain & CTI correction (new format makepi needed).
  - Strict treatment for window option.
  - Fill PHANOCTI column.
  - Reject invalid HK values in hkfile
  - Bug fix of CTI correction for surrounding pixels, 2x2 mode, etc.
  - Support psum timing event files.
  - New parameters: ignore_frames, enable_trcor,
      enable_cticor, enable_scicti, enable_edge_smooth,
      hk_time_margin, hk_aetemp_min, hk_aetemp_max,  flag_rand_phas0
  - Removed parameters: trcor_flag_rand, cticor_flag_rand

  - Add new bits for SCI and window boundary.
  - Strict treatment for window option.
  - Bug fix in judging neighboring pixels of bad columns.
  - New parameters: ignore_frames, enable_scipixq
 xistime :
  - Support psum timing event files.
  - Time assignment has changed for window option.
  - Update columns in GTI, FRAMES, EXPOSURES, LOSTAREAS extensions.
  - New parameters: ignore_frames, gapsec
 xisucode :

  - Write SCI releated keywords with new format ucodelst CALDB.
  - Now written in C. Note this task does not have par file.
  - Always copy CODE_ID and other ucode keywords from primary
    to other extensions

 xisrmfgen :

  - Support SCI RMF generation, with new format rmfparam CALDB file.
  - Read EDITMODE, WINOPT, CI keywords from phafile.
  - New parameters: editmode, winopt, ci, enable_scirmf

 xisexpmapgen :

  - New tool. Calculate a detector mask image usable in xissimarfgen, and
    an exposure map in sky coordinates considering the attitude wobbling.

 xissim :

  - Fill STATUS column appropriately as 'xisputpixelquality' does.
  - Speed up in calculations, In particular when scatsw=1 (default 0)

 xissimarfgen :
  - Added parameters included also in 'xisexpmapgen',  e.g.
    enable_pixq, hotpixfiles, badcolumfile, calmaskfile,
    pixq_min, pixq_max, pixq_and, pixq_eql that deal with 
    SCI rows, hot and flickering pixels, bad columns, and 
    the area of the 55Fe calibration sources.
  - Speed up in calculations, In particular when scatsw=1 (default 0)
HXD Specific tools
 hxdtime, hxdmkgainhist, hxdpi, hxdgrade :
  - Support new v2.x format
  - Add new DET_TYPE definition (hxdgrade)
 hxdwambstid :
  - New tool, to fix the time information and save as the burst id 
    information into a file.
 hxdmkbstspec :
  - New tool.Calculate spectra from the burst data

 hxdpi :

  - Update to read GSOGHT calibration file.
  - Bbug fixed, Illigal keyword in Bnk Access (reported by R.Fink)
 hxdbsttime, hxdmkbstlc :
  - Read bstidt file (hxdbsttime)
  - Support new V2.0 format
 hxdmkwamspec, hxdmkbstspec :
   - Bug fixed in writing CHECKSUM
   - Add DETUNIT keyword in products.

 hxddtcor :
   - Small bug fixed in reading list or save pseudo file

 hxdarfgen, hxdmkwamspec :
   - Small bug fix
   - Bug fixed, Illigal keyword in Bnk Access (reported by R.Fink)
 hxdwamtime :
   - Bug fixed in writing TIMEDEL when readoimode = create.

 hxdwampi :
   - Bug fixed win updating TUNIT3

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