[an error occurred while processing this directive] Top > Suzaku > News > 2009-04-06

Suzaku Software V12 (Heasoft v6.6.2)

Suzaku software Version 12 - Changes since HEASoft v6.6:

 Suzaku general:

- aemkreg: Fix HXD FOV centered on HXD nominal.  Draw FWHM & FULL for PIN, GSO.

 HXD specific tools:

- hxdtime, hxdpi, hxdgrade:
       fixed bug in writing CHECKSUM when read_iomode = create.

- hxdbsttime:
       fixed bug in writing CHECKSUM of BSTIDT file.

- hxdwambstid:
       fixed bug in writing HHMMSS and FRZN_HHMMSS, and
       fixed bug when a FRZON or FRZOF time does not come.

- hxdmkwamspec:
       fixed bug of uninitialized parameters.     

- hxdmkbstlc:
       fixed bug in writing CHECKSUM of lc files.

- hxdmkbstspec:
       fixed bug in writing COUNTS of pha files.

 XIS specific tools:
- xisllegtigen (new):
       Generate a FITS file of good time interval (GTI) that
       does not suffer from incorrect light leak estimation (LLE).

- mkphlist:
       Update help file slightly.

- xiscoord:
       Use fits_update_key() instead of fits_modify_key()
       in writing TLMINn keywords.

- xisgtigen:
       Fix potential bug (writing null rows) in writing GTI.

- xispi:
       Change the number of transfers in window mode.
       Use simplified SCI-on CTI correction formula.

- xisputpixelquality:
       Update help file slightly.

- xistime:
       Accept timfile=NONE to re-generate GTI.

- xisrmfgen:
       Update 2x2 and psum messages in both code and help file.

- xissim:
       Bug fix in writing RAWY column (RAWX values were written before).
       Fix xrrt ray-tracing library for segmentation fault in rare occasions.

- xissimarfgen:
       Fix xrrt ray-tracing library for segmentation fault in rare occasions.

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