[an error occurred while processing this directive] Top > Suzaku > Data Process > History > V1.3.2.8

Processing Version

Last Updated on 2007 March 13

Suzaku data are available from DARTS.

Old versions are summarized in the history page.

Released 2007-03-09
Mk1stfitsver mk1stfits20060227
Softver Hea_11Sep2006_V6.1.1_Suzaku_11Sep2006_V1.2
CALDBVER hxd20070302_xis20070302_xrt20060720_xrs20060410

Released 2007-02-15
Mk1stfitsver mk1stfits20060227
Softver Hea_11Sep2006_V6.1.1_Suzaku_11Sep2006_V1.2
CALDBVER hxd20070131_xis20070206_xrt20060720_xrs20060410

Released 2007-02-01
Mk1stfitsver mk1stfits20060227
Softver Hea_11Sep2006_V6.1.1_Suzaku_11Sep2006_V1.2
CALDBVER hxd20061226_xis20061226_xrt20060720_xrs20060410

Currently, the spaced-row charge injection (SCI) is applied to XIS observations by default. However, the SCI completely changes charge transfer inefficiency (CTI). Consequently, current PI values in XIS data with the SCI are not correct, since the PI values are calculated by using the CTI for no-SCI observations in the current data process. Current xisrmfgen and xissimarfgen also do not support the SCI. You will be able to analyze SCI data using new ftools and calibration files to be released in June. These new ftools and calibration are implemented in the version 2.0 processing, with which all the data will be reprocessed.

Notes is a minor update of v1.2.x.x processing. The differences which affect the scientific data are only the CALDB files (XIS microcode and GSO gain-history), and the products' quality is the same as that of 1.2.x.x, and hence any re-processing of 1.2.x.x products will not be performed.

The differences from v1.2.x.x processing are:
- Force extractor to use DETX/DETY for XIS spectra. 
- Fix bug in creating BURST_ID in CalibrateHXD.pm.
- fmemsort cleaned WEL event files. 
- Use CALDB for hxdpi if it covers the time interval of the data. 
  This overrides the hxdmkgainhist output. (CalibrateHXD.pm)
- Turn off GSO .pi file creation if the cleaned GSO event
  file was calibrated with the GSO gain histroy file calculated
  during the pipeline. This data is not usable at the product
  level. The LCs are left in place.
- The STATUS range is set to 0:262143 for both single and 
  multiple XIS input files (it was 0:131072 for the multiple
  input file case in v.1.2). 

Notes (same as that of v1.2.x.x)

Calibration files and related files can be obtained from the Suzaku page in ISAS and GSFC.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]