Suzaku Shortterm Schedule (almost final)

Target PI RA(deg) DEC(deg) RA(HMS) DEC(DMS) MNV start time
NGC_2992 TERASHIMA 146.4250 -14.3264 2005 11 06 14 04 00
A3376_WEST_RELIC NAKAZAWA 90.0000 -40.0330 2005 11 07 14 02 00
NGC_4051 TERASHIMA 180.7900 44.5314 2005 11 10 18 55 00
SMC_DIFFUSE_1 HWANG 15.2221 -71.9561 2005 11 13 10 21 00
LOCKMAN_HOLE SUZAKU_TEAM 163.4000 57.6000 2005 11 14 05 21 00
A1413 HENRY 178.8290 23.6419 2005 11 15 19 55 00
0836+714 MADEJSKI 130.3510 70.8950 2005 11 18 14 15 00
1H_0707-495 MINIUTTI 107.1730 -49.5517 2005 11 19 06 52 00

If you are interested in coordinated observations of Suzaku targets, please contact the PI or the satellite operation team ().