Suzaku Shortterm Schedule (almost final)

Target PI RA(deg) DEC(deg) RA(HMS) DEC(DMS) MNV start time
CYG_X-1 NOWAK 299.5903 35.2016 2007 04 30 19 29 00
NGC7582 CHIABERGE 349.5979 -42.3706 2007 05 01 18 48 00
PHOENIX_GALAXY MATT 121.0242 5.1139 2007 05 02 07 37 00
LOCKMANHOLE KOKUBUN 162.9375 57.2667 2007 05 03 23 00 00
MRK_1239 HABA 148.0796 -1.6119 2007 05 06 02 00 00

If you are interested in coordinated observations of Suzaku targets, please contact the PI or the satellite operation team ().