Suzaku Shortterm Schedule (almost final)

Target PI RA(deg) DEC(deg) RA(HMS) DEC(DMS) MNV start time
BOOTES_GROUP_37 MILLER 216.3771 32.9457 2008 06 23 10 45 00
NGC_7469 MARKOWITZ 345.8150 8.8739 2008 06 24 16 33 00
ZWCL_2341.1+0000 KATAOKA 355.9150 0.3279 2008 06 27 16 24 00
MRK_348 BRAITO 12.1962 31.9569 2008 06 28 22 13 00

If you are interested in coordinated observations of Suzaku targets, please contact the PI or the satellite operation team ().