Suzaku Shortterm Schedule (almost final)

Target PI RA(deg) DEC(deg) RA(HMS) DEC(DMS) MNV start time
E0102-72_PSUM TSUJIMOTO 16.0083 -72.0313 2010 12 07 18 59 00
E0102-72 TSUJIMOTO 16.0083 -72.0313 2010 12 09 00 36 00
E0102-72_1_4_WIN TSUJIMOTO 16.0083 -72.0313 2010 12 09 11 42 00
A2744_SW OTA 3.5058 -30.5517 2010 12 10 06 00 00
PSR_J1044-5737 KAWAI 161.1367 -57.6220 2010 12 12 06 55 00
CARINA_SW HAMAGUCHI 160.2577 -60.1050 2010 12 12 17 30 00

If you are interested in coordinated observations of Suzaku targets, please contact the PI or the satellite operation team ().