Suzaku Shortterm Schedule (almost final)

Target PI RA(deg) DEC(deg) RA(HMS) DEC(DMS) MNV start time
IRAS_00182-7112 NARDINI 5.1446 -70.9242 2012 05 03 04 00 00
LOCKMAN_HOLE TSUJIMOTO 162.9375 57.2667 2012 05 05 21 01 00
FG04 D'ONGHIA 121.8783 34.0116 2012 05 06 16 13 00
_3C_236_WEST_LOBE ISOBE 151.3326 35.0063 2012 05 06 22 35 00

If you are interested in coordinated observations of Suzaku targets, please contact the PI or the satellite operation team ().