Suzaku Shortterm Schedule (almost final)

Target PI RA(deg) DEC(deg) RA(HMS) DEC(DMS) MNV start time
ABELL_3411 VAN WEEREN 130.5060 -17.5550 2014 11 03 09 40 00
ABELL_3411_OFFSET VAN WEEREN 130.7681 -17.3111 2014 11 06 07 25 00
FERMI_JET_COCOON_4 MILLER 313.0143 -30.9117 2014 11 07 04 39 00
FERMI_JET_COCOON_5 MILLER 306.4575 -33.2620 2014 11 07 20 20 00
FERMI_JET_COCOON_6 MILLER 319.6197 -32.8385 2014 11 08 08 40 00
VERJ2019_P2 MIZUNO 305.0542 36.8881 2014 11 09 00 37 00

If you are interested in coordinated observations of Suzaku targets, please contact the PI or the satellite operation team ().